Graphic boards are coming back to affordable prices due to declines in virtual currency markets
Due to the surge in the virtual currency market, demand for virtual currency mining has increased and competition for graphic boards used for mining has occurred. As prices increased due to increased demand, gamers who were supposed to buy graphic boards were unable to obtain graphic boards, but as the price of virtual currency fell, the graphic board It seems that it is getting available at affordable prices as well.
Video Cards - Price Trends - PCPartPicker
Declining cryptocurrency prices are making graphics cards affordable again | Ars Technica
About one year ago in July 2017 the price of graphic boards has increased as the virtual currency soaring. In August 2017, GIGAZINE also posted that "Radeon RX Vega 64", a new high-performance graphic board that will be released for the first time in two years, will be released for the first time in two years, that intense competition is anticipated due to virtual currency mining demand It can be understood that there was a report of growing demand for graphic board since that time.
AMD's "Radeon RX Vega 64" is the best mining grabber ever in history and the possibility of encountering a grief that PC gamers are hard to obtain - GIGAZINE
Thereafter, in January 2018, the market price rose further crazy, and the price of the middle-range graphic board "Radeon RX 570", which is particularly popular in virtual currency mining, was $ 200 as of April 2017 2000 yen), while in February 2018 the price rose to 450 dollars (about 50,000 yen). In the same period, the high-end Radeon RX 580 is raising the price from 230 dollars (about 26,000 yen) to 540 dollars (about 60,000 yen).
In Japan, almost equivalent price movements are confirmed, and details can be understood by reading the following articles.
Gamers become increasingly difficult to obtain graphic boards due to the surge in virtual currency exchange rates - GIGAZINE
However, since the peak in February 2018, PCPartPicker 's survey reveals that the price of graphic boards is steadily declining.
In the graph below, the vertical axis shows the price of the graphic board and the horizontal axis shows the time, and we recorded price fluctuations for 18 months from February 2017 to July 2018. For example, the middle range graphic board "Radeon RX 570" which had high demand for virtual currency mining was as follows. The price rose once in July 2017 and it seemed as though it had calmed down once, but it soared again from January to February 2018. However, it is clear that the prices are falling gently afterwards. As of July 2018 the price is falling to about 300 dollars (about 33,000 yen).
The price fluctuation of Radeon RX Vega 64 released in August 2017 is as follows.
Similar price fluctuations can be seen not only for AMD graphic boards but also for NVIDIA products. In the case of GeForce GTX 1080, the price peaked at about 800 dollars (about 89,000 yen) in February 2018, and after that the price gently approached 600 dollars (about 67,000 yen) I am going down.
Ars Technica of overseas game media far exceeded the price at the beginning of 2017, but the steady descent trajectory of price "shows that the rise in price of insanity from the latter half of 2017 to the beginning of 2018 has ended I am writing it. " Also, the price fluctuation of the graphic board is surprisingly synchronized with the price of the virtual currency Enterprise , Ars Technica.
In the case of bit coins, which is the biggest virtual currency, the more energy-efficient ASIC is used for mining for a long time, and it is not economical for graphic boards. On the other hand, in the case of Eliaryu, since graphic boards can be profitably profitable, it is speculated that demand for graphic boards has increased as the market price has soared.
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in Hardware, Posted by logu_ii