3D print gun design data What does publication permission bring to gun society?

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In a lawsuit occurring between Mr. Cody and Mr. Wilson asking the US Justice Department to disclose data about the release of gun design data that can be output with a 3D printer, a reconciliation was made in a shocking manner on June 29, 2018 It was established. With this, the data of guns that can be manufactured with 3D printers will be made public on the Internet, but there are voices concerned about the influence on gun society.

Americans can legally download 3 - D printed guns starting next month - CNN

With the principle that "everyone should manufacture guns at home", what kind of activities Cody Mr. Cordy Wilson of symbolic existence of the world of open source guns has been doing, see the following article I understand.

"Dangerous man entering the fifth finger in the world" is 28 years old who insists that "You should manufacture guns with 3D printers at home" 28 - GIGAZINE

Mr. Wilson reconciled with the Justice Department quickly.

The Justice Department agrees to settle and allow data distribution in a lawsuit surrounding gun 3D data distribution - GIGAZINE

Mr. Wilson, who solved the problem with the Justice Department, said on Defense Distributed 's top page, "We have reached an agreement on long-standing legal battle with the US Department of Justice, the era of downloadable guns officially begins," 3D We announced that the data of the gun that can be output with the printer will be made public from August 1, 2018.

Mr. Wilson's attorney Alan M. Gottlieb on suddenly declared, "We thought that we wanted impossible things and the government thought that it would refuse it, the government in all means I fought with us, but suddenly the tent was hit. " It was an unexpected event for Mr. Wilson and his representatives that the lawsuit was terminated with the content of settlement that allowed the full disclosure of 3D printer data except for some military weapons grade guns .

There is a view that the fact that the situation has undergone major changes is due to the trump regime. Brady Campaign's seeking gun control Avery Gardiner said, "It was a surprise that the trump regime responded to secret transactions with little attention, and I was disappointed," said Avery Garner, who owns a gun I have suspected that there was a political judgment of the Trump regime trying to strengthen the guarantee of war crimes.

Mr. Wilson with permission from the Ministry of Justice will publish gun data that can be output on a 3D printer on August 1, 2018, it is virtually impossible for government agencies to follow up without serial numbers It seems that the way of making your own gun called 'Ghost Guns' will be opened widely.

However, Mr. Wilson says, "We are not in the position to reach the hands of people who want to hold guns yet." Even if the data is released, in order to actually manufacture it, a large-sized 3D printer and some gun parts are required, and the world that "anyone can easily make a gun at home" is realized soon It is not that. Nonetheless, Mr. Wilson believes that the published data will be a good material for those attempting to manufacture guns, and it will be the first step towards a world where guns can be manufactured by themselves.

On the other hand, Mr. Gardiner is concerned that the gun will be passed to the hands of those who can not possess a gun because of terrorist or criminal history due to the data being disclosed. "I think everyone in the US should be afraid of that," Gardiner says.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log