I ate Fujiya's 'Milky Cream Roll of Domestic White Peach' which wrapped Yamagata white peach 'Mochikiki' pulp with milk-flavored cream & fluffy sponge

Roll cake " Domestic white peach milky cream roll " which full of wrapped seasonal fruit, Yamagata white peach " Mochikiki " with milk-flavored cream appeared in Fujiya from Friday, July 13, 2018 from Friday, July 13, 2018 I will. I tried eating roll cake that is perfect for summer with refreshing sweetness

Milky cream roll of domestically produced white peach Launched at the Fujiya cake shop nationwide from Friday, July 13, 2018
(PDF file) https://www.fujiya-peko.co.jp/assets/pdf/press20180710_1.pdf

I came to Fujiya.

In the fridge showcase of the shop, colorful, large and small sweets are displayed coolly.

Among the cakes that are lined up, this time the purpose cake, "Domestic white peach milky cream roll" that made a thin peach color, and white and normal " Milky cream roll " on the right side are displayed. "Domestic white peach milky cream roll" which I tasted this time is one of "Milky cream roll" series which reproduced the taste of "Fujiya milky" familiar with "Mama's taste". Unlike normal things, domestic white peaches and pink sponge fabrics have been used for a limited time roll cake.

I brought the roll cake I bought and came back.

"Domestic white peach milky cream roll" taken out from the box (1200 yen including tax) is like this. It is wrapped in limited wrapping paper containing peach design, and it is offered in wrapping packaged on both sides like a candy.

"Milky cream roll of domestically produced white peach" appeared in transparent vinyl when removing the limited wrapping paper.

"Domestic white peach milky cream roll" has a length of about 15 cm, the thickness is about 9 cm. It is about two pieces of transportation IC card (long side 8.5 cm, short side 5.4 cm).

"Domestic white peach milky cream roll" which removed vinyl is like this. The whole roll cake is wrapped in a peachy and peachy sponge fabric. You can see the yellow "Pickled peach in syrup" in the center.

Let's cut it to about 2 cm thick.

Peach's syrup pickles are lined in a cream straight. When cut by 2 cm at a time, a disappointing cut with no peach came out, so it was better to cut a little larger.

In a slightly pink sponge fabric, there is a white cream and a peach pickled in peach.

In the center of the roll cake, pickled pepper in syrup which is syrupy.

Pickled peach in syrup is elegant sweetness, juicy and sweet juice overflows when chewing. It feels like a texture of dense fiber which is "shaku", while keeping the hardness, smooth texture. This texture is characteristic of the variety of white peach "Mokichiki" used for syrup pickling.

Milky cream is an unobtrusive sweetness like soft condensed milk. Because the taste claims are not too strong with a light mouth ditch, even if you sip a lot of peach together with syrup, the flavor of white peach is not compromised, the sense of unity of taste is kept and exquisite balance. The peach colored sponge fabric was slightly sweet and smelled of peach was felt, and it was fluffy and soft texture so it was finished as light as it seems to be able to eat any number of pieces.

"Milky cream roll of domestically produced white peach" has become a limited-time merchandise, it is available at Fujiya sweets store nationwide and some Fujiya restaurant.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log