Announced that Starbucks will abolish plastic straw by 2020

Starbucks announced that it plans to abolish plastic straws from stores all over the world by 2020, following the restrictions and prohibitions of global plastic products.

Straws are out, lids are in | Starbucks Newsroom

Starbucks to ditch plastic straws globally by 2020 to help environment | Business | The Guardian

Plastics are materials used in various things in modern life. It is an advantage that processing is easy, inexpensive, it takes about 700 to 800 years until natural decomposition is said to be durable enough to be said to be said to take it, but on the other hand, if it is thrown away as garbage, it will continue to remain unresolved There is an aspect of that. In particular, it is said that the amount of plastic waste dumped to the sea is as much as 9 million tons per year, which has a big influence on marine organisms due to problems such as micro plastics .

For that reason, in recent years there is a trend to restrict or prohibit the use of plastics themselves. In 2017, a law prohibiting the use of disposable plastic containers, tableware and plastic bags in India Delhi was promulgated . Also, in March 2018 a full ban on plastic products was decided in Mumbai, and in June 2018 it was reported that facilities such as Starbucks and McDonald's were charged a fine as being using plastic straws .

McDonald's and Starbucks will be fined for violating plastic use - GIGAZINE

Furthermore, in May 2018 the EU proposes a ban on disposable plastic products . In July 2018, even in Seattle, USA, where Starbuck's headquarters is located, the use of plastic straws and tableware was prohibited. Starbucks says that stores in Seattle already offer alternative straws.

In response to the worldwide spread of plastic exclusion, Starbucks abolished plastic straws we have used so far by 2020, designed to not require straws or straws made from materials other than plastics We announced that we will adopt the covered lid. The lid which does not need a straw is introduced experimentally in Seattle and Starbucks in Vancouver from the autumn of 2018, and it will be deployed all over the world mainly in the United States and Canada from 2019. The following image is a lid which does not need a straw which is being considered at the time of article creation.

McDonald 's also said that by 2019 the straw used in UK and Ireland stores will be changed to paper, and American stores will test alternative to plastic straw.

in Note,   Food, Posted by log1i_yk