Experimental movie of the second fastest roller coaster 'Hyperion' in Europe is on sale

In Poland's amusement park Energylandia , the second fastest roller coaster " Hyperion " in Europe with a maximum speed exceeding 140 km / h is being built, and we are carrying out test runs at the time of article creation. Energylandia has released the appearance of this test running on YouTube, and you can check how it feels when you get on Hyperion in a movie quickly.
HYPERION Mega Coaster ^^ POV ^^ Premier Test - Energylandia Amusement Park Poland - YouTube
The movie begins with the appearance of a ride (vehicle) pulled up by the chain towards the top of the course. Since the camera is attached to the beginning of the ride, it seems to be quite close to the viewpoint when actually riding on Hyperion.

The situation during the ascent will be fast forward from the middle, arriving at the summit in about 1 minute from the start. The top of the mountain is 77 meters from the ground, and you can see that it is quite high, considering a car looking small far away.

Although it goes down from the slope at a stretch from here, the maximum inclination angle of Hyperion is 85 degrees, and it is impossible to confirm most of the front rail with a little advanced degree.

If you think that you can see the rail, it will descend at a stretch at nearly vertical angle. It is said that the maximum speed at this time is over 140 km / h, which is the second fastest speed in Europe.

Instantly arrived at the tunnel near the ground. Although the top part of Hyperion is 77 m from the ground, it is said that it actually descends a height of 80 m or more, and a tunnel seems to be dug a little to dive underground.

Even when entering the tunnel, the speed of the ride is sufficiently fast, so it quickly reaches the exit of the tunnel.

When you pass through the tunnel, a mountain course appears and repeats ascending and descending.

And there is also a mountain course, and beyond that ...

The rail is twisted at a steep angle and a 180 degree turn is done.

Then, you can see the course that repeats ascending and descending which passed earlier on the left side.

And as you come back to the vicinity of the place where the tunnel was in, it is a mountain course and you can see the top part of Hyperion in front of the mountain. Actually I am running at a great speed, so maybe I can not afford to look calmly.

As you go down the mountain, the rail turns to the left ... ...

At the turn, you can check the parking lot of Energylandia under your eyes.

If you proceed as it is it will now turn to the right ... ...

After turning, the parking lot that was on the right side will now be visible on the left side.

When you come to the point where the building can be confirmed on the left side, it is a small mountain course ... ...

A pool appeared on the way down. Water is not being put in the test run, but after opening it seems to be a mechanism to wear water here.

Ride began to decelerate beyond the pool and arrived at the getaway of the roller coaster.

According to Energylandia, although Hyperion's opening date is not clearly determined, it is scheduled to open in 2018.
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