Women become "masculinized" temporarily lowering their voice after giving birth
byÚrsula Madariaga
Female voice during ovulation periodBecome most attractiveIt is said that the voice will change also in case of childbirth. In the new study, it was shown that "after giving birth to the first child, the voice of the female is temporarily low".
Women's voice pitch lowers after pregnancy - Evolution and Human Behavior
Women's voices become temporarily deeper after pregnancy | Science | The Guardian
In the study, Dr. Kasia Pisansk, a psychologist at the University of Sussex, Dr. Kavya Bhardwaj, an evolutionary psychologist, and Professor David Reby, a behavioral biologist, talked about the changes in female voice after 5 years before birth / 5 We analyzed over 10 years together for the year. As a result, it turned out that the female voice became more monotonous, lower after pregnancy had ended. "Maleization of voice" in women is not caused by aging but occurs due to childbirth, and one year after giving birth, the voice returns to original.
Dr. Pisanski who led the research raises hormonal changes after childbirth as a cause of the temporary lowering of female voice.
Previous studies showed that women became more vocal at the ovulation stage and that their voices became lower due to menopause. It is thought that this is caused by hormonal change, and the sex hormone level drops sharply after giving birth, so the vocal cords and tone are affected and the voice lowers temporarily.
byValeria Boltneva
In fact, how much the woman's voice after birth is low is said to have changed in pitch by an average of 5% and a change of 1.3 semitones by a numerical value. It seems that the maximum pitch is reduced by 44% and by 2.2 semitones. Also, researchers have found that the voice of women after birth becomes monotonous.
The study was conducted on 20 mothers' groups and 20 groups with the same age and no children. The researchers analyzed the voice while the subject was answering the interview from another adult, as the parent knows that the voice tends to be high when talking to the child. It seems that the sound of the interview rose to 634 in all, 277 minutes.
Some of the singers and actresses are aware of the low voice after childbirth, and the researchers are said to have undergone research inspired by their anecdotes. As changes in voices after childbirth may affect women's social interactions, researchers will continue to investigate whether "social judgment of listeners' mothers" will change due to changes in voice I am doing.
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