Sony is trying to focus on handheld gaming machines again, Kisei CEO of SIE revealed

bySergey Galyonkin

President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) president and CEO, said, "As a way to provide a better gaming experience, think continuously about what you would like to do with portable There is a need to comment "and it has been reported that it showed the idea of ​​deploying portable devices in parallel with stationary machines.

Sony - To reinforce portable games again - President Kodera of the subsidiary will show motivation - Bloomberg

Andrew House, former president of SIEInterview conducted in September 2017In the handheld game machine, "I have not seen it as a market with a big opportunity," he said, "We will focus on products that can be played in the living room," and revealed strategies that place emphasis on stationary machines rather than hand- It was.

On the other hand, Kodera, in an interview, asked "Whether the next generation aircraft are not obsessed with consoles (stationary machines)" in response to the question "Is it difficult to speak with specialized console, PlayStation Now, It is a mission to increase the number of options to enjoy the game with. It is a strategy to flexibly make the platform flexible so that it can be enjoyed in various forms, rather than switching to digital in the future. " From this comment of Koji Komiji, it is thought that SIE changed its direction from 'strategy that emphasizes deferred type' to 'strategy that balances deferred machine and portable device'.

The Wall Street JournalTakashi MochizukiEven with tweets by Mr. Kodera, you can see the contents of the interview with CEO Kodera.

In addition, Koji is seeking how to link with the console and portable, and comment that we will think about a concrete strategy on how to deploy handheld devices in the future .

SIE already has a flat-rate cloud streaming game service "PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 games playable on compatible terminals such as tablet PC and PlayStation Vita"PlayStation Now"Is provided. In order for SIE to aim for compatibility between stationary machines and portable devices, it can be said that not only hardware but also enhancement of software services like PlayStation Now may be included in the strategy.

in Hardware,   Game, Posted by log1i_yk