Nintendo says `` Nintendo Switch is in the middle of life cycle ''

Nintendo has reported its financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020 (April to December 2019) on January 31, 2020. In a management policy briefing held in conjunction with the performance report, Nintendo's President and Representative Director Shuntaro Furukawa said that `` Nintendo Switch has entered the middle of the life cycle '', and it was picked up by multiple overseas game media I am.
Nintendo says it isn't concerned about PS5 and Xbox Series X launches | VGC
Nintendo Says Switch Is In The Middle Of Its Lifespan-Game Informer
Nintendo has released a summary of the Q & A session held during the Management Policy Briefing (PDF) . According to the contents of this question and answer, the percentage of users who purchased Nintendo Switch Lite as a second unit was 43% in the second quarter, but decreased to about 30% in the third quarter It seems to be. According to Nintendo's President Furukawa, Nintendo Switch Lite was sold as a second demand at the beginning of release, but with the release of Pokemon Sword Shield, `` users who did not yet have Nintendo Switch '' will purchase Nintendo Switch Lite It seems that the cases have increased. In addition, it has been revealed that women who purchase Nintendo Switch Lite as the first unit have a high percentage of women.

Also, when asked about the life cycle of Nintendo Switch, President Furukawa said, `` I think that Nintendo Switch, which will soon be in its fourth year of release, is in a slightly different situation from the stationary machines we have sold in the past. In addition to the Nintendo Switch as a stationary device that can be taken out and played, there is also a Nintendo Switch Lite for mobile use, so customers can choose one according to their lifestyle. We think that we are in a situation where we can think of a new development. ' In addition, he said, `` For the time being, we will focus on the platform called Nintendo Switch, which is growing in popularity, '' which will form a different life cycle from past Nintendo stationary game machines I predict it will be.
In addition, the outlook for 2020, when

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in Game, Posted by logu_ii