A skimboat borrows water from a gigantic water slider and the jumping and tricking movie "Skating an Empty Water Park"

A professional skateboarder slides through the course of the giant water slider with all the water removed and it became a huge tube, and a movie that shows jumps and tricks "Skating an Empty Water Park"Is published on the YouTube channel's Outside TV.

Skating an Empty Water Park | Xtreme CollXtion - YouTube

Three skateboarders are going to skate on a skateboard.

The place where 3 people slide is the theme park in Dubai "Aqua Venture Water Park"is. The day the movie is filmed is the maintenance day of the facility once a year, there is no customer, the water slider is not stretched.

The water park is set up in the artificial island of Atlantis the Palm in Dubai.

The water slider becomes a huge tube by draining water. Taking advantage of this environment to the maximum, three professional skateboarders slide in the water slider with skateboard.

Milton Martinez from Argentina, one of professional skateboarders sliding on the water slider this time, will comment on this project. "I've been looking for places where I can slide like falling from a waterfall for a long time, so I am excited about this project."

From Mr. Martinez sliding on a skateboard, it appeared from the tubes of the water-free water slider.

With the skateboard as it is, we will climb the round of the water slider which is close to the vertical.

Martinez jumps with the board when she is climbing, Mr. Martinez kicks the feet board and turns the opposite while adding a twist to the board.

Landing on the board and the trick succeeded.

Mr. Martinez in a narration commented, "Because there are rarely such plans that are not ordinary like this, I will slip as much as I can," and the appearance of jumping in the tube emerges.

Mr. Alex Sorgente, professional skateboarder born in Italy, talks about his thoughts on this project. "It's amazing to prepare such a project and skate it."

"Do a trick that will make you surprised with the best possible skateboard ... ...."

"I will cram a trick from the beginning"

This water park has 100,000 liters of water discharged for maintenance.

The state of the three skateboarders is taken by the camera crews and records this exceptional project.

Producer Brad Kerr tells the enthusiasm for this project "We have this unusual shooting location ..."

"There are three famous skateboarders with amazing skateboard techniques"

"We will combine these to create obstacles for unusual skateboards."

The course of the water slider is seriously twisted and the total length is 156 meters.

Glass fiber water slide "Aquaconda" installed at the facility has a place where the height of the wall is as much as 14 meters.

Professional skateboarder Martinez uses such a water slider, using a skateboard with a wall of 14 meters, to climb in a moment.

In another place, it slides along the large wall of the water slider and rises.

Turn, go down the wall, and put the speed on the skateboard.

Keep approaching at the end of the opposite wall as it is ......

Both boards jump greatly.

When the camera switches to the high place of the facility, Mr. Martinez is filmed on the camera crew from the right side of the image. Mr. Martinez from the course of the water slider ......

I will jump on the skateboard to the supporting post supporting the course.

The camera crew who was watching the spectacle to jump will talk about the situation at that time. "I could not believe the sight that I was watching, I was flying at a place about 100 feet (about 30 meters) high on a skateboard."

It also shows how professional skateboarders fail to landing. The water slider, which is usually stretched water, has the risk of injuring your body if you fail to landing due to the loss of water.

Mr. Sorgente prepares to slide down from the high place course.

Start on a skateboard and start

As you pull the camera, you can see the height of the course well.

I will slide down and the speed will increase.

Using that speed, I will climb the course which is almost vertical.

The corner of the course has turned to the right turning corner.

Sorgente will jump in front of the curve.

By turning the body to the right with the jump falling momentum, turn the board to the right and turn it down.

I jumped on a high place course like a wall, and landed spectacularly.

Mr. Sorgente said in a narration "I felt like I was absorbed in my dreamlike experience in my skateboard life, and I was happy."

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log