Impression that the game media used the ultimate character clear function installed in the 18-ban game

The 18-ban porn game `` Honey Select Unlimited '' scheduled to be released overseas in March 2018 is a 3D character make H communication game compatible with VR headsets such as Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, and game maker
I Tried The Hentai Game With The'Ultimate Character Creator' And Now I Need Jesus
'Honey Select' is an 18-ban game where you can enjoy Kakkaufuf with a girl, with dozens of costumes and scenarios. Honey Select Unlimited will be released in March 2018, but the demo version has already been released overseas, and although the playable routes, usable clothes, character appearance, sexual activity options, etc. are limited, 'Still It's even better, 'says Jackson. In Honey Select, players are free to create their own romance with the character create function, and Jackson praises this as 'uncompromising and amazing' compared to other games.
You can see what kind of character you can make with Honey Select by searching ' #honeyselectunlimited ' on Twitter etc. For example, I made knuckles that appear in Sega's Sonic series because it is possible to play with anything that looks too much ...
— Triple-Q (@TripleKyun) February 25, 2018
Princess Peach from the Mario series ...
I was able to remake Princess Peach with the access plug-in specifications!
— TAO New Sale (@ TAO2CARAT) February 28, 2018
If you don't have a dress, make one !! #HoneySelect #HoneySelectUnlimited
Some people say that they reproduced Chino from 'Is the Order a Rabbit? '
I made Chino in Honey Select Unlimited
— Siel (@Garurusama) February 22, 2018
Some players concentrate on creating a number of characters that they have seen somewhere, and it seems that the character creation function alone is enough to enjoy.
— Yemi! (@OraMagi) February 28, 2018
I hope someone did, because I spent quite a bit of time putting this together. In all seriousness, @FAKKU's Honey Select demo is insane and I can't wait to see what joys the full version brings (which I will hopefully win) !) #honeyselectunlimited
In addition, the male character operated by the player can also be customized.
While everyone is making waifus I am trying to make make the ultimate Brotagnist Husbando .... who watches to much Jojo apperantly. #honeyselectunlimited @FAKKU
— Ryan Kellman (@RyhnoKing) February 25, 2018
At first glance, the character create function seems to be able to change any appearance, but when Jackson was curious about how much he could actually change the appearance, he tried it, especially for 'customizing the character's chest'. I found that I had a fever. Among the elements that can be customized related to the breast, the thickness of the nipple, the size of the areola, the weight of the breast, etc. are also included, and these are elements that Mr. Jackson had never imagined. It seems that it is possible to reproduce various breast shapes such as round, big, and pointed, but it seems that only 'asymmetrical breast' could not be reproduced.
The image below is a screen for customizing breasts with Honey Select. Breasts of various shapes can be reproduced by moving the slide bar at the top right of the screen. There are more than 10 slide bars to change the appearance of the breast, and you can see that you can pursue the ideal breast in a fairly detailed manner. If you click the image below, you can check how the slide bar is actually moved to deform the shape of the chest.
There are more than 10 types of slide bars on the breast, but there are only two slide bars for changing the shape of the buttocks.

You can customize the size of your eyes as you like, but Jackson wrote, 'If you make it smaller than the'anime size', the balance of your face tends to get out of order.'

There are multiple facial contours available, but this is a subtly difficult item to set. The chin line and the angle of the nose can be changed not only for the contour of the face, but the shape of the mouth is a set with the contour of the face, so it is necessary to select the best one together. It was a big worry for me. '

Also, the game creator seems to have been very particular about the bulge of a specific part of the face, and the thickness of the 'cheek part' of the face, which does not affect the appearance so much when viewed from the front, can be changed from all angles. You can create characters to be beautiful. However, for example, even if you want to adjust the cheekbone, you can not directly change the size of the cheekbone, and it is necessary to adjust the upper cheek to the right cheekbone.
It is also possible to change the appearance of the male character that the player will operate. It seems that the size of the penis can be changed in the movie released from the official, but it can not be changed in the game, and Mr. Jackson is disappointed that 'this is a big oversight'. Since the male character is almost invisible during the game, it makes sense that there are few elements that can change the appearance of the male character, but 'the breast size and shape of the female character can be freely changed. I also wanted the option to change the size and shape of the penis, 'says Jackson.

And when you finish creating the character, you can take a picture. It is possible to take pictures with various backgrounds and poses, and it is also possible to change the facial expression. If you click the image below, you can see the character taking various poses while shaking his breast to Balumbalun.

When I actually played Honey Select, the ultimate goal was sexual intercourse with a female character, but the game has a unique charm. In the character creation part, the player can freely set from sexual preferences such as 'sensitive breast' and 'passive' to personality characteristics such as 'serious' and 'boyish', and even though it is an 18-ban game, the character 'sexual intercourse' It is also possible to have a personality that I dislike.
In the demo version, the types of sexual depiction are considerably suppressed, and it seems that only one type of personality can be selected when creating a character, but it seems that the sexual depiction is quite tight because there are only 18 prohibited games. However, the female character created by the player is said to be 'looking at the back of the male character operated by the player' when it is up during sexual activity, so this also seems to be a deduction point. ..
At first, Mr. Jackson felt that he had an infinite character creation function, but when he actually played it, the limit gradually became clear, and the game was 'perfect. I promise to provide her to the players, but I also say that I was about to reach the limit of the game as I pursued character creation. Still, 'I don't know if Illusions (the developer of Honey Select) was supposed to attract American dark-skinned bisexual users, but I find the sexual traits that I find attractive. I wanted to create a character for a girl with a sword with my own hands. 'On top of that, Honey Select's character create function is theoretically an excellent one with that potential.
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in Game, Posted by logu_ii