Is it true that the coffee contains carcinogens?
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In the state of California, USA, it is contested in the court whether or not to indicate the risk of carcinogenesis in coffee. Legal proceedings that began in 2010 are scheduled to be shown in the first half of 2018, but in reality some carcinogenic substances are contained in coffee, and multiple research findings show that opinion.
Does Coffee Contain a Carcinogen? Here's What the Science Says
In the state of California, USA, a warning must be given to a substantial amount of the chemical substance when the product contains chemical substances known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm According to "Proposition 65 (1986 Safe Drinking Water and Hazardous Substance Enforcement Act)"It is stipulated. If there is no serious risk to the human body, notification / warning is exempted,According to the Wall Street Journal, The warning display is "in everywhere place".
Lawyers Rafael Metzger and others in 2010 filed a lawsuit against dozens of companies involved in the manufacture and sale of coffee, as this warning indication should also be applied to coffee. Appealed Starbucks and Kurigu Green Mountain are included in coffeeAcrylamideIt is harmless and claims that the health benefits of coffee are greater.
Acrylamide is a highly suspected carcinogen, and in 2005United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) and WHO recommend that "Acrylamide in foods may cause health hazard and should be reduced in content".
On the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan, a list of foods containing acrylamide is published, according to which the median concentration of acrylamide in instant coffee is 0.58 mg / kg, in the case of coffee put in from beans it is 0.24 mg / kg, roasted tea (tea leaves) was 0.33 mg / kg, and potato snack was 0.55 mg / kg.
Food containing acrylamide: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Acrylamide is one of the amino acidsAsparagineAnd saccharidesMaillard reactionIt is thought that it is thought to be produced by eating fried food and brown baked starchy foods in order to reduce the amount of acrylamide ingested in everyday dietary habits2004When2008It is known from the study of. In addition, because smokers consume 3 to 5 times more acrylamide than nonsmokers, even if you quit smoking, you will not be able to consume acrylamide intakeIt is possible to reduce.
According to the American National Cancer Institute (NCI), acrylamide brings damage and mutation to DNA in the bodyGlycidamideIt is converted into a compound called. It is also known that mouse experiments have increased the risk of cancer, but NCI shows that there is still insufficient evidence about the impact on humans.
Some researchers claim that acrylamide raises the risk of carcinogenesis even in humans, but some researchers believe that it will not significantly affect the human body. This is because it is difficult to measure the amount of acrylamide contained in human diet, and the rate of absorption and metabolism of acrylamide in humans and mice is different.
However, because mouse relationships have been found to be relevant to cancer, acrylamide is listed as "a possibility of carcinogenesis" in the list of international cancer research institutes (IARC). Because of this list, people who became plaintiffs in California lawsuit sued Starbucks and Seven - Eleven who are producing and selling coffee.
byAlexandra Gorn
However, although acrylamide has a name on the IARC list, the coffee itself is not included in the list. WHO in 2016Coffee announces that it will not cause cancerDo you have a coffee drinkerLow risk of cardiovascular disease, neurological disease, diabetesIn addition to that,Liver cancerYaEndometrial carcinomaThere are reports that it is related to lowering the risk of certain cancers such as cancer.
However, it is recommended that "taking intake of too hot a drink" is considered to be related to esophageal cancer, so it is recommended to cool down to the proper temperature when drinking coffee.
byKarl Fredrickson
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