The World Health Organization announces that coffee will not cause cancer, although drinks that are too hot cause cancer


"World Health Organization (WHO) announced in the past that" coffee contains carcinogens causing carcinogenesis of the bladder, "but as a result of studying the relationship between coffee and cancer for 25 years, Coffee will not cause cancer ". On the other hand, it has been reported that "hot drinks" can cause cancer irrespective of type.

World Health Organization Drops Coffee's Status as Possible Carcinogen - WSJ

Very hot drinks 'probably' cause cancer: UN agency

Carcinogenicity of drinking coffee, mate, and very hot beverages - The Lancet Oncology

According to WHO 's announcement, coffee does not cause bladder cancer as well as pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, etc, and rather than 20 kinds of cancer risks such as liver cancer and uterus cancer It is even known that it can be reduced.

Transformation of WHO guidelines is an external organization of WHOInternational Cancer Institute(IARC) received a result of a review of more than 1,000 articles that studied the relationship between coffee and cancer. Dr. Dana Loomis of IARC, who led the survey said, "Since the first time IARC classified coffee as" possibly carcinogenic "in 1991, the scientific findings on coffee increased steadily and reliability increased There was a smoker in some of the subjects of the past research, and between coffee and cancer "There is a relationship that coffee can reduce the risk of cancer "It was said that the conclusion of the opposite was true to the previous announcement. Currently, IARC records coffee as a drink with anticancer action by plant-derived chemical substances.

ByPaval Hadzinski

Although it is not for the first time that IARC withdraws substances designated as "possibly carcinogenic", it seems that it rarely happens.

On the other hand, IARC announced that "ingesting too hot a drink" will cause cancer. Although the evidence is still limited, it is a study focusing on the fact that "In China and South America it takes about 70 degrees Celsius drinks about 6 degrees higher than the United States and Europe", and the esophageal cancer and "hot drinks ingested It was suggested that there is a relationship between "doing" and "doing".

According to the American National Coffee Association of America, Americans average three cups of coffee a day, and the amount paid to coffee in 2015 was 74.2 billion dollars (about 7 trillion yen) in total in 2015 about. Consumption of coffee is increasing all over the world, except the USA.

The National Coffee Association recommends extracting coffee at 90-96 degrees, but before drinking it is said that it should cool down to the proper temperature.

ByArtur Chalyj

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log