Science fiction film "Annihilation" new trailer where the investigator encounters an unknown existence in the mystery area "Area X"

A survey team sent in order to clarify the mystery of the mysterious area "Area X" that appeared suddenly all over the world, the movie "encounters" the new ecosystem "Annihilation"A new trailer has been released. The eeriness of area X was released in September 2017Tizers trailerAlthough it was drawn, in the new image, the struggle of the survey team where hostility is aimed from the unknown existence of area X is drawn.

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Annihilation (2018) - Official Trailer - Paramount Pictures - YouTube

While many people are watching, in the isolated room is a biologist who plays Natalie Portman. In response to the question, "Can you tell me what shape did you do?"

Biologist bridging something like a nightmare.

The answer is "no".

Biologists were living a happy couple life, but one day a soldier's husband goes out to a certain task ......

I did not return. There is a message saying "Your husband is here".

When rushed, the figure of the husband connected to the machine after becoming unconscious.

It seems to be related to "Area X" which appeared around the world.

There is nothing that has returned to Area X so far ... ...

Biologist will do survey of area X for her husband.

Five women, including biologists, leave as investigators.

Inside of area X, living creatures completely different from the outside were inhabited. This living thing looks like a kind of deer, but the horn is like a plant.

GPS is not useful at all either.

It looks like a half sinking in the pond.

Encounter with creatures with sharp teeth like sharks.

The video camera left by the survey team who came to area X ......

"Something" strikes them, but biologists topple that they can not return.

It seems that the sunset has approached and one house is set as inn. I think there is something of a humanoid integrated with plants on the right side ....

Eerie shadow invading the room at night.

As if to look for it with a smell, that figure approaches behind.

Can the survey team leave area X with results?

A biologist who denies the opinion that it is trying to destroy everything. What is "What is not destruction, creating new things".

The film 'Annihilation' will be released to the US on February 2018. Publishing in Japan is undecided at the time of article creation.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by logc_nt