Why Jackie Chan is the legitimate successor of the world's three great comedy kings

Charles · Chaplin,Buster Keaton,Harold LloydAre active actors during the heyday of the silent movies, and are counted as the world's three great comedy kings. Even in modern times where sound has been added to movies, there are people who are making movies according to the three formats. According to Mr. Bradley J. Dixon, a large Jackie Chanfan, the person who can be called "the legitimate comedian king successor" and "the contemporary comedy king"Jackie ChanIt seems that it is.

Jackie Chan: Master of Silent Comedy | Video Essay - YouTube

Jackie Chan's movie with humor and comical added in action movies. Mr. Dixon said that he loves Jackie movies and will not stop.

Being a leading kung-fu movieBruce LeeJackie talks that he is positioning himself in the movie as opponent. He emphasizes that he is a very ordinary person.

While Bruce Lee shows a cool attack, Jackie's Kung Fu is a "smile".

Mr. Dixon points out that Jackie is incorporating elements of 'comedy' created by three comedian kings of Chaplin Keaton Lloyd.

For example, Chaplin standing on the road ... ...

A scene that escapes from enemies by putting a hand on the car.

Jackie is "Police Story (Hong Kong Police)It is reproduced with action to hook the umbrella on the bus.

According to Mr. Dixon, this is a silent movie method.

When you look closely at Jackie movies, you can see that they incorporate silent comedy techniques all over the place.

Fifth rules necessary for silent comedy.

Part 1: "Simple story line"

In the era of silent movies it was difficult to draw complicated stories.

Therefore, inter title (explanatory note) was inserted as appropriate.

On the contrary, the story is not quite important in silent comedy. Just a simple framework along the joke is required. In silent comedy, a story is spoken through "situation (situation)", not through "speech" or "personality".

On the other hand, Jackie has begun film activities early in two characters, "Character" and "Situation". this is,"Snake key monkey (snake)In the scene, an old man (actually a master of kung fu actually) is attacked by many people.

A youth who can not overlook this. What Jackie plays is always an "ordinary man" with justice

This young man is weak and immature in most cases.

However, it is a person who grows greatly in learning kung fu. Jackie movies are composed so that it is easy to understand with such a basic story that "weak person grows".

Mr. Dixon points out that such an approach might have been learned from Jackie by three of Chaplin Keaton Lloyd.

Although it was lined at the end, ...

Keiton's saying that the former man was a mannequinThe GoatScenes inside. Since silent comedy is simple, it has the feature that it can be understood by anyone in the world beyond the language barrier.

Part 2: "Humor visible"

There is a basic principle that "comedy (laughter) arises from unexpected surprise". Keaton is an autobiography, "I say" unexpected "is our main product".

Many of the silent comedies are based on this principle. One scene of "The Goat" secretly getting on to the car you are about to leave. The actor takes action to plant the "prediction" in the audience.

A man running away and a person in the tire left behind. Laughing is born by betraying such expectations.

"Sherlock Jr.The scene where the hero plays billiards.

In order to surprise the hero, I will make an explosive 13th ball secretly.

The hero will continue to decide one shrine shot that will never touch "13th ball" one after another.

The 13th ball in front of us was also successfully avoided with a trick shot.

Spectators who look forward to the explosion still.

And the last remaining 13th ball.

I finally hit it in the hall. However, the 13th ball did not explode.

The main character leaving quickly. Actually, the 13th ball was a "surprise" of "already replaced".

"One WeekOne scene of. Fit the car to the crushed house perfectly ... ...

Drive a nail into the seat and fix it with the house.

"Surprise" that only the seat remains when the car is started

"Hard LuckA man of unwritten sentences. It seems that the world is hanging.

A car running from the dark.

A man who attempts suicide and jumps out to the road.

However, it was "surprise" that two men drove away aside. Silent comedy creates laughter with three elements, "pretender of story", "prediction" and "surprise".

On the other hand Jackie's movie "rush hour". Jackie which supported the huge jug which collapses with the hair one by one.

Fighting enemies while protecting the jar.

Jackie finally protected the vase.

The moment when I tried to leave from the battlefield. The jar that protected so much with its hardships shattered with shots.

It is a surprise betraying the viewer's expectations.

"Project A"Jackie.

A pursuer approaching from behind.

Tonight the door.

Then only the top of the door opened, the pursuer was shielded by the door and fell down. Jackie movies are full of laughter by the surprise.

Part 3: "Dare to do it"

A silent comedian is a synonym for a stuntman with a body.

The action scene in the clock tower of Project A can be called the highest peak of the action stunt.

This famous scene representing Jackie's movie is a tribute to all the representative stunts of three comedian kings of Chaplin Keaton Lloyd.

The scene hanging up on the gear inside the clock tower ......

Chaplin's "Modern Times"

The scene hanging on the needle of the clock ......

Lloyd's "Safety Last!"

And the best action of dropping from the clock tower ... ...

Keaton's "Three Ages"

Dixon says that it is a godly action scene that reproduces representative actions of the world's three great comedy kings in a matter of three minutes in a blast.

Part 4: "Using everyday sight"

Another way to make a surprise is to use "commonplace things in a way that is impossible".

A scenario using a cup of "Snake Key Monkey (Snake)". A common tea cup is a training tool.

"Red BronxThe shopping cart as a weapon of the shopping cart. Jackie is a masterpiece that transforms personal belongings into movie tools.

To use such a common thing in a way that is impossible was a silent comedy that was a routine means. It is effective to use ordinary things so that everyone can understand the situation without explanation.

Part 5: "I really do."

When the silent movie was filmed, there was no CG.

Therefore, most action scenes are "real" that was actually demonstrated

Drop the locomotive from the bridge ......

For the scenes running around the whole of the four rooms, I make exclusive sets.

For these demonstrations, the composition to fit the whole camera is an important key.

Buster is leaving the saying "Do not lie for laughter".

Likewise Jackie leaves the saying that "You can not laugh at a stuntman."

In Jackie's movie, the composition of "pull" which holds the camera at the place where distance is set up is large.

This is a way to show the actions by Jackie himself without stunts to the audience by showing the whole action.

And what is happening is a way to show that it is real.

A tremendous action is reminiscent of Jackie's being a living human being as well as Jackie's extraordinary exercise.

The audience loves that human Jackie. It also leads to Chaplin Keaton Lloyd's love for its human nature.

Therefore, Jackie is a comedy king following Keaton, Lloyd and Chaplin.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log