Yoshinoya's beef bowl · pork and bowl ingredients just packed as it is Chinese "special beef meat bean" & "special pig pork meat" I ate

Yoshinoya's "beef bowl" and "pig bowl" ingredients became meat dish "Special beef meatball"When"Special pig pork meatball"Appeared from Monday, November 27, 2017. As I got an appointment booked with haste that "Beef rice bowls meat meat?", I immediately tried eating what kind of taste it was.

Jointly developed product "Yoshinoya special beef and beef · special pig meat bread" New release on November 27!
(PDF file)https://www.ai-kei.co.jp/files/9e912b40d7cd7db71bcacbcead46e3c2.pdf

I received the frozen beef meat and pork manga editorial department.

It is Yoshinoya's special beef meat bean.

In the raw material name there was an item called "beef bowl ingredients". The content is 100 grams each.

The calorie per unit is 279 kcal.

It is totally frozen, but if it heats for about 2 minutes in a 500 W microwave oven it is OK. Also, thawing in a refrigerator and then using a microwave oven or a steamer can eat more delicious. This time I will heat the bag as it is with a 500 W microwave oven.

This is "special pig meat bamboo", but it looks almost the same as beef and beef tangle.

Of course, there are items of "pork bowl" as well as ingredients, but "ginger sauce" item was also seen.

"Special pig pork meat" is also one 100 g. The calorie is 280 kcal, which is almost the same as "special beef meatban".

The way to warm "special pig pork meat" was the same as "special beef meat bean."

Try warming up "special beef meatban" and "special pig pork meat".

Put it in a microwave oven ......

Set at 500 W for 3 minutes.

The image that warmed for 3 minutes is the following image. Each bag is swollen asap

I opened the bag of "special cow meat bun", was the slightly beef bowl of smell.

I just broke into two. What I was in was not minced meat which is "ingredients of meat bites", but sliced ​​beef, onion, etc., I feel that it "packed ingredients of beef bowl".

Before eating, I imagined "Meat Bamboo Stewed with Beef Bowl", but the texture and aroma of the sliced ​​beef, the sweetness of the onions and the seasoning of the sauce are the same as the beef bowl that I eat at Yoshinoya was. The thick skin was fluffy, and the part where the sauce of the beef bowl ingredients had soaked in was pretty ant.

Next time I will eat "special pig pork meat".

There is no big difference in appearance from "special beef meat course".

As soon as I divided it into two, the fragrance of ginger and pork drifted around.

Sliced ​​pork and onions in the inside. When I try to eat a bite, it has a rich flavor that the ginger was effective, and it has a completely different flavor and aroma as "special beef meat bean". It has a taste close to ginger burning rather than pork bowl. It is the same as "special beef meat bean", elastic thick skin.

"Special pig pork meat" has a little sweetness, so when I shook a little Shichii pepper from the top, it turned out to be a nice accent and it was quite ant.

Only "monorule" of the Rakuten market has the handling of "special beef meat bean" and "special pig pork meat". Total 12 pieces of "special beef meatban" 6 pieces and "special pig pork meat" 6 pieces can be obtained with 3942 yen including tax.

【Rakuten Market】 Yoshinoya Special Beef Bamboo Bamboo 6 Pork Bunme Bun Set (Total 12 pieces): Monol

in Tasting, Posted by log1i_yk