I ate a popular 'Negimiso burger' with plenty of white gray leek & spicy bean board with freshness burger
One of the regular menus at the company's founding, one of the voices calling for a revival, which had disappeared from the menu in 2007, followed one after another, reappearing for a limited timeNegimizo burgerHowever, this year it is a resurgence according to Halloween so I actually went to eat.
Reprinted on popular product "Negimiso burger" from founding 25th anniversary of Freshness Burger foundation ~ "Pumpkin Buns" use menu reprinted in Halloween season ~ October 12 ~ Limited release launch!
I came to Freshness Burgers.

There was a signboard of "Negimizo burger" in the show window of the shop.

Negimizo burger came for about 5 minutes after placing an order. As a Halloween event, the packaging design is Jack O'Lantern.

Negimizo burger is seen when you look inside. A gray green onion sticks out excellently.

I arranged it side by side with my iPhone 6. It's big enough to hold even one hand.

Inside is Patty and plenty chopped white hair leek, and mayonnaise and pea sauce sauce. Well then, it is a real meal. At this time Negimizo burger restoration is becoming "Pumpkin Buns" with pumpkin incorporated, with a refreshing texture and fancy sweetness. When the flavor of pepper spicy sauce, mayonnaise 's mellow rich, and shaki - kaki gray leek onion is combined with meat, there is a taste like Chinese food somewhere.

With the persistent popularity of fans, it is possible to make a menu saying that it is reviving several times even though it is limited for a limited time. "Negimizo burger" is single item, it is 380 yen excluding tax, from 10th October 2017 the freshness burger nationwide It is possible to get at the store, but note that there are no sales schedule at the Jungle Cafe Store, Higashiyama Zoo and Plant Zoo ZOOASIS Store, Yokohama Stadium Store, Kyocera Dome Osaka Store, so be careful.
In addition, it seems that there is a disappointment depending on people, time zones, and shops to make, comparatively because it was a feeling that it was hard to say "plenty of white grass leeks" with the following feeling with the first tasting of this time.

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in Tasting, Posted by log1i_yk