IPhone prototype "Wallabies" which developed innovative technology called touch screen & soft keyboard

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The birth of the iPhone has changed the world of mobile terminals to a galaxy. In the world where styluses and hardware keyboards were commonplace, the birth of a multi-screen and software keyboard to touch and touch the screen with your fingers was innovative to determine the user interface of the smartphone afterwards. Apple's former developers are showing off the prototype model of iPhone which developed the touch screen & software keyboard which formed the world of the smartphone for the first time.

Creator of Apple's smartphone keyboard reveals early iPhone prototypes - The Verge

• Chart: 1.2 Billion iPhones in 10 Years | Statisita

Ken Cosienda, who was responsible for Apple's human interface design, released a photo of the prototype of the iPhone on Twitter in line with the tenth anniversary of the first iPhone's birth.

This prototype was called the codename "Wallabies", and it was aimed at the development of "software keyboard" which is an innovative technology adopted by iPhone. Touch screens and software keyboards that can be multi-touch are completely different designs from Blackberry and Nokia's "smartphones" that had previously had a hard keyboard, and it is a "smart" smartphone to Steve Jobs " I called it and succeeded in giving the impression "smartphone = iPhone".

By the way, the prototype Wallabies, which decided the design of the first iPhone of a historical terminal, seems to have been kept in the drawer of the desk until May 2017 when Mr. Kocienda leaves Apple. It was hard for Mr. Kocienda to quit Apple and to say good-bye to Wallabies.

Wallabies was further refined, the first iPhone was born. The first movie showcasing the iPhone for the first time in the world can be watched with the following movie. Looking at the current smartphone that the commons are announced one after another, I feel surprised that every technology forming a smartphone appeared at once in this day.

[HD] Steve Jobs - iPhone Introduction in 2007 (Complete) - YouTube

The first TV commercial of the iPhone that changed the world is this.

First Official iPhone Ad - YouTube

The phrase "to reinvent the phone" was never exaggerated because it changed the iPhone's excitement afterwards and the design of every smartphone including Android changed to that which followed the iPhone is.

As the iPhone celebrates its 10th anniversary, Statisita graphs the trend of iPhone sales volume over the last 10 years. According to this, the iPhone has sold 1.23 billion units for the past 10 years, and terminals of 738 billion dollars (about 82 trillion yen).

in Mobile,   Software,   Hardware,   Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log