What is the unknown story up to the birth of a handicraft toy 'Fidget Spinner' which is an unprecedented boom in America?
A toy turning round with a palm "Hand spinner"Is sold under the name" Fidget Spinner "in America, and has become a big boom. Fidget Spinner simply selling ball bearings built-in plate with fingers and turning it, various types of color and shape are being sold from each company, but the fact that there is not a single person in the invented person There seem to be.
As fidget spinner craze goes global, its inventor struggles to make ends meet | Life and style | The Guardian
The story of the birth of Fidget Spinner is explained in the following movie.
Fidget Spinners: The Toy That Changed America - YouTube
In the United States, popular toys with the name "Fidget Spinner" have an unknown history.

In 1997 President Bill Clinton reelected in the United States and entered the second season.

Besides, Hong Kong is returned to China ... ...

There were lots of big news in 1997, as clone sheep's dolly was born.

In 1997, Catherine Hettinger from Oklahoma State, USA gave inventions to become the original form of Fidget Spinner ......

I got a patent under the name "SPINNING TOY".

Mr. Hettinger developed a toy that can be enjoyed with hands for a daughter who suffered from an intractable illness and can not move the body freely, and it led to a patent of SPINNING TOY.

Speaking of the latter half of the 1990s, furby and Tamagotchi were sweeping the market. The toy industry is very fierce battlefield with a violent change of trend, and the toy maker searched for hit products like every year.

"GAKI saw a slim-like toy called a big hit and it was a hettiner who dreams of a SPINNING TOY hit, but I was forced to leave Washington D. C. without dream.

Because, although the Toy company called HASBRO examined commercialization of toy hand spinner which should also be the original form of Hettiner 's Fidget Spinner, it did not finally become commercialized.

Hettinger retained the patents of SPINNING TOY for five years, but the patents have finally disappeared without paying the renewal fee.

2017 years after about 20 years since the birth of SPINNING TOY.

Fidget Spinner suddenly got a big break. Because students who are engrossed by Fidget Spinner do not participate in the class, schools that prohibit bringing in Fidget Spinner will appear, and it will become a topic item that makes the news disturbing.

In the latter half of 2016, Donald Trumph's election of the president of the United States became a big topic, but the big break of Fidget Spinner occurred at about the same time.

One chance was a certain toy developed by McLachlan brothers.

that is"Fidget CubeIt is a toy called a cloud funding siteKickstarterWhen it appeared in, it caused a big hit to collect 400 times the investment amount of the target amount.

Fidget Cube is a small size that fits in your hands, with toys with switches and dials.

There is no particular purpose, it is a product that ticks and fun in the hand and enjoying it, but becoming very popular as soon as the mind settles when ticking in the spare time.

A scientific paper has also appeared that tools like Fidget Cube have meaning to make hands worthless but there is an effect to calm the mind, especially the effect of increasing the concentration of ADHD patients.

Then, "Fidget Spinners Are The Must-Have Office Toy For 2017"When Forbes' article was posted just before Christmas, Fidget Spinner became a big hit toy for the Christmas shopping season.

Het Tinger 's SPINNING TOY who got a patent but was not opposed to a toy maker, it was exactly the bone of the blue sky that made a big break as Fidget Spinner.

Due to the patent expired, the toy maker was able to develop and sell various forms of Fidget Spinner.

Now it's office or ...

Hospitals and ... ...

It has become a popular product to appear everywhere, up to the White House.

News that tells the utility of Fidget Spinner also appeared one after another. Although it is Fidget Spinner raising an unprecedented big boom in the United States, the patent of SPINNING TOY which is a prototype has been eliminated. To Headtinger who invented SPINNING TOY, the patent royalties are naturally not entered.

Hattinger who unfortunately failed to get a lot of money, is newly devising a new product to say what a new type "Fidget Spinner"

It is a new type that a toy like a green disc like a granddaughter got by a granddaughter photographed with Hettinger is said to be the original Fidget Spinner and its name is "Classic Fidget Spinner".
Only about 3% of inventions make any money. "- Catherine Hettinger, creator of the fidget spinner with her granddaughter ChloePic.twitter.com/45k5DYkhmj
- NEWInfo (@ Prosperoboba)May 3, 2017
Classic Fidget Spinner is now looking for investment with Kickstarter. At the time of writing the article, you can earn one Classic Fidget Spinner with an investment of 25 dollars (about 2800 yen) as an early contribution award, but shipping products is limited to the USA only. The contribution deadline is until 11:39 am on June 18, 2017.
Classic Fidget Spinner Spinning De-stressor Finger Toy by Catherine Hettinger - Kickstarter
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