Hacker succeeds in game play on CD-ROM of phantom game machine `` Nintendo PlayStation '' developed by Sony & Nintendo

The PlayStation, which was developed by Sony as a CD-ROM for Nintendo's Super Nintendo, was eventually stored in the sun without the sun. After that, Sony developed the game console PlayStation independently, but the hacker succeeded in starting the game using the CD-ROM of the phantom game machine ' Nintendo PlayStation ' that was the original form.

The phantom game console 'Nintendo PlayStation' is believed to have been produced around 200 prototypes developed by Sony and Nintendo worldwide. Terry Diebold, who won the precious game console at an auction at a very low price of $ 75 (6800 yen at that time), showed off the actual Nintendo PlayStation and became a hot topic.

The real game of the phantom game machine `` Play Station '' packed with Nintendo and Sony's black history appeared-gigazine

Ben Heck of the YouTube channel ' The Ben Heck Show ' that disassembles and repairs electronic devices has been disassembled and analyzed separately by borrowing a valuable Nintendo PlayStation from Diebold. You can see how it breaks up in the embedded movie in the following article.

Phantom game machine `` Nintendo PlayStation '' jointly developed by Nintendo and Sony-gigazine

Heck succeeded in spinning up the CD-ROM after trial and error, such as capacitor removal work. About nine months have passed since the release of the disassembled movie, and finally Heck succeeded in starting the system from the CD-ROM and released the movie.

Nintendo PlayStation Prototype: Finally Working!-YouTube

Heck of The Ben Heck Show. Re-challenge to work CD-ROMs that could not be booted up to the last time.

The process starts with checking the motherboard and analyzing the type of chip used and its role. The Nintendo PlayStation has two DACs, SNES (Super Nintendo) and CD-ROM, and the two digital data sent are converted to analog signals.

Heck says that audio CD devices may be leveraging Sony's strong technology.

I am examining the waveform of the SNES chip using an oscilloscope. The source used is Super Mario Kart music, and purple is a stereo that outputs left and right audio alternately. The SNES DAC was confirmed to work properly.

The problem is the DAC on the CD-ROM. Because the Nintendo PlayStation was never officially released, there is no system ROM that can be used as a sound source in the first place, so there is no way to confirm that it functions properly.

We will gropingly analyze 'mysterious chips' mounted on the Nintendo PlayStation.

A mysterious chip that is probably a bus-related chip.

It is considered to exchange data with other chips.

This is a CD-ROM liquid crystal chip.

'As of yesterday, the CD-ROM didn't recognize the disc,' said Heck.

'It suddenly started working today.' 'Is the fairy coming over at night to fix it?' Heck wonders, but the result is all right.

Two Sony chips, a CD-ROM controller chip (left) and a digital signal processor (right). Heck has read all the documentation on these two chips.

In addition, the microcontroller is on a separate board. When the system is not in game mode, the microcontroller sends a signal to the CD-ROM controller, which switches the CD-ROM for audio and other uses.

'Okay, let's play hip-hop music,' Heck puts a music CD on a CD-ROM.

I was able to play music well.

'I may have had a bad cable before, but it was a success playing a music CD anyway.'

It is said that 32KB of RAM is mounted in the controller chip and jitter control is performed. Heck says he recalls the former Sony portable music machine Discman.

By CD player or 'boombox' ...

Sony got a lot of money. The legacy that laid the foundation for Sony seems to be carried over to the Nintendo PlayStation.

Now that you know that the CD-ROM works, check that you can finally read the system ROM.

Check in game

Install the game cassette for SNES and enter the game mode.

'Oh, there's a screen I've never seen before!'

After displaying 'NO DISC' under the 'Super Disc' logo, 'Music DISK' was displayed. 'Good, it's progress,' he said.

Previously, 'NO CD SYSTEM' was displayed.

Successfully started the test program. You were prompted to enter a Hex code.

'There is a list of commands on the Internet,' heck searches.


Using the controller, the CD-ROM drive was successfully opened and closed.

Switch from a music CD to a system CD and start loading the game.

Loading. Heck says, 'You can do it, you can do it.'

From the loading screen ...

Suddenly, the image starts to get disordered ...

It has switched to a game-like mode. Of course, there is no game CD-ROM for Nintendo PlayStation in this world, so it is a game 'Magic Floor' written by emulator.

Regardless of the game title, we succeeded in launching a CD-ROM based game from the system called 'Super CD' installed on the Nintendo PlayStation. Regarding the feat that succeeded in launching the game on the phantom game machine, `` It may seem ridiculous, but it is like a time slip back 2000 years ago and talking with the Egyptians '', Heck said Is expressing.

So, Heck finally succeeded in running the game on the Nintendo PlayStation CD-ROM.

Magic Floor worked without any problems ...

The game 'SUPER BOSS GAIDEN' written on the CD is ...

He reported an error and did not work well.

From here on, the emulator setting work will be the main task.

in Hardware,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log