Automatic driving car of Apple development · Lexus RX 450 h is quickly shot in public road

One of the IT companies said to be developing automatic driving cars alongside Google (= Waymo) and Uber · It is filming that Apple 's testing vehicle is traveling in California city.

Check Out the Lexus That Apple's Using to Test Self-Driving Car Technology - Bloomberg

In the picture that Bloomberg was offered by the general public, it looks like that the test run is being carried out with a lot of equipment attached to the pure white Lexus hybrid SUV "RX 450h" with the gutteguti . Also, according to the person who shot, this vehicle came out of Apple's building.

The vehicle is equipped with a laser sensor "LIDAR"And a number of cameras etc. are installed in the back. According to experts who are familiar with automatic driving technology development, at least two high-end 64 channel LIDAR manufactured by Velodyne Lidar Inc., the industry leader, are used in the installed LIDAR. Moreover, although it is that many cameras are installed, it is thought that none of them are used as it is as a commercial product, not as a custom item.

Apple is authorized by the California DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles: Department of Vehicle Relations) in mid-April 2017 to carry out test driving of the automatic driving car in action, finally real running started It will be.

Apple seems to be developing the automatic driving car technology under the project name of "Project Titan" and is proceeding with the project to Mr. Bob Mansfield who has worked on representative products of the company such as iPad and MacBook Air . However, it is said that plan reconsideration such as personnel arrangement is being carried out, and it is also seen that it is not necessarily in a state that can be said as smooth.

Apple's car development plan "Titan" has begun to organize some staff, and the review of the plan will be pointed out - GIGAZINE

Meanwhile, Apple's automated driving car development was transmitted not to make vehicles in-house, but also to the assumption that resources will be concentrated by shifting to the development of installed software.

Is it a sign of change in Apple's car development? It is reported that the possibility of shifting from automobile body to software - GIGAZINE

Although it is an automated driving car of this time that was shot in such a circumstance, it is a hybrid SUV of Lexus which is the same as Waymo of former Google umbrella and startup "Zoox Inc." etc. which are used strangely.

in Hardware,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log