Mr. Donut × Gion Tsuyushi's new donut "Green Tea Suites Premium" I tried all six kinds

As Mr. Donut as a new product, from April 7, 2017 Uji Tea specialty shop "Garu Tsujiro" co-delivered "Warabichi Matcha" and six other donuts and "Matcha Ore" "Matcha Ore soymilk Whip" is. I went to eat this donut as "new Matcha sweets" promptly.

Gion Tsujiro Matcha Suites Premium | New Items | Mister Donuts

Arrived at the shop.

It is like this when arranging new items.

"Matcha ore"When"Green tea Ole soy milk whip"Because the difference was only the presence or absence of whip, we chose to have whip. If there is no whipping, it is 302 yen including tax, if there is whip it is 350 yen including tax. You can also increase whipping by +30 yen (tax included).

It seems that soy milk whipped is less sweet than ordinary whipped cream, but it seems to be light, but it may be in the error range. The sweetness of whipped praise the bitter taste of Matcha, the drinking aftertaste is like a thoroughly washed throat.

Both of these donuts are in a package based on green. There are donuts that are covered with powdered tea chocolate, but that part is inside the package and you can not understand the presence of coating when you see it at once. This is because the color of the doughnut green tea fades when it hit the light with "the color taste of the matcha".

The first donut is "Warabimachi Matcha"(183 yen including tax)

Warabi mochi is sandwiched in the center of the donut. Matcha chocolate is somewhat soft, color is dark but bitterness is diluted. Since the original fabric is fluffy system, the mouthfeel is added and the texture is "Fluffy - um" feeling.

The second is "Shiratama matcha"(183 yen including tax)

A somewhat heavy donut with sand to the white balls, not just bean paste. Mugiwami's white bean and squash are mixed with a strong bitter matcha whipped cream, and the compatibility is outstanding. It is like touching the contents of Matcha parfait to the donut.

"Matcha soymilk whipped"(162 yen including tax)

Soybean milk whipped on a donut and partly covered with powdered tea chocolate. Is it thanks to soymilk whip that the stomach after eating is lighter than the image?

"Azuki Matcha Whip"(162 yen including tax)

A combination of bitter Matcha Whipped Cream and Azuki is nice. Thinking that you removed the white ball from "Shiratama matcha" OK.

"Pon de Premium Matcha"(140 yen including tax) coats Matcha chocolate on Pon de Ring. It is bitter compared to "Warabichi Matchcha" and "Matcha soybean milk whip", so there is no other cream etc, so you can taste matcha in straight.

"Premium matcha fashion"(140 yen tax included) is also coated with powdered green tea chocolate with bittersweet taste like" Pon de Premium Matcha ". Old fashion fabric and crispy green tea chocolate was a pretty good companion though it was a simple combination.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt