Android outnumber Windows at the global share of Internet use at last

Since the advent of smartphones, a big stream of "PC to smartphones" occurred on the Internet, but finally it became clear that the top share of the worldwide share of the OS using OS has changed from Windows to Android It was.

Android overtakes Windows for first time | StatCounter Global Stats

On April 3, 2017 StatCounter survey company on the Internet usage situation released a report on the usage of traffic (Internet usage) such as desktop PC, notebook PC, smartphone, tablet etc. According to this survey, in March 2017, it became clear that Android had pulled out of Windows for the first time with the OS share of the Internet and went to the top.

The annual chart of Internet share of Android (green) and Windows (blue) is as follows, Android's share rises to the right, while Windows share tends to decrease, since April 2017 It is also expected that the possibility that the share will be replaced again will be low.

In the North American market and the European market, Windows maintained the top of the internet use terminal, but in the emerging markets such as Asia, the share of Windows is 29.2%, while Android is widely spreading to 52.2%, emerging markets The difference in momentum in the market seems to have produced a throne change play.

StatCounter's CEO Ordin Karen said, "This is a milestone marking the end of the era in the history of technology," the end of Microsoft's Windows era, which has been reigning as a global champion in the computer operating system market since the 1980s It means that it means. Five years ago, Android, which occupied only 2.4% of the Internet usage, went on to the top, so that you can understand the rapidity of IT technology transitions quickly.

Nonetheless, it is said that Windows continues to dominate overwhelmingly that it accounts for 84% of the total Internet usage in desktop PCs and notebook PCs.

Karen still believes that it will be difficult to enter the mobile terminal while admitting the superiority of Windows in the computer market. However, the next generation of "paradigm shift" such as AR (Augmented Reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Voice Control, Continuum etc. means that the possibility of leap in the Windows mobile market is absolutely noteworthy " It is.

in Mobile,   Software,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log