SNS finds that there are many people who judge the reliability of news articles by "who shared it" rather than "who made it"

ByGeorgie Pauwels

In SNS such as Facebook, there are many people who judge whether the content is reliable when seeing news articles, "Who shared it" rather than "who wrote or wrote"? It became clear by survey.

'Who Shared It?': How Americans Decide What News to Trust on Social Media | |

'Who shared it?' How Americans decide what news to trust on social media

This was jointly done by the American Press Institute (API), a research institution under the umbrella of the American Newspaper Association, and the Public Public Relations Center of AP NORC. The survey covers 1489 adults from 9th November to 6th December 2016AmerispeakIt was carried out online using.

The target person was asked to answer various questions after seeing a post sharing news articles on health as follows.

At this time, posts shown to half of the people were shared by people who knew in advance as "trustworthy people", and the other half showed posts shared by people who were not.

There are also two kinds of articles that you share. One is by AP communication.

The other is due to imaginary news source "". The contents are almost the same as those of AP communication.

The first question is about the article "About accurately capturing facts" "There are diverse viewpoints" "Interesting" "Easy to find important information" "Information is well transferred · Reliable" We asked for the evaluation, and in the case where any one trusted person shared it, the evaluation tended to be higher.

In the second question, what kind of behavior do you do when you see this post on SNS? something like. We have given options such as "Share articles", but the most noticeable thing is that there is a big difference in the bottom graph. This is the item "Follow people who share the article". If trustworthy people are sharing articles and giving negative comments to the content, 35% of people mean "to be sure."

However, I also know that those who are acquiring the news with SNS do not take the content of the content in the first place. The following graph shows news reliability by SNS. Red (left) indicates "not trusting at all", yellow (center) indicates "I trust accordingly", and green (right) indicates "I trust it quite a bit". Especially in the Snapchat, the proportion of red is conspicuous, but in other cases, the percentage of green is within the range of 12% to 23%.

Three patterns of the contents of the first question "Share unknown news sources" "" People who trust articles on AP communication "share" "" People who do not trust articles on AP communication "share The graph below shows the classification. Although the contents of the article itself do not change, you can see that it is influenced by the viewpoint of the sharer.

In the same way, the contents of the second question are patterned. The bottom graph shows the percentage of people who move on to the action "Recommend articles to friends", but "unknown news sources" is 19%, "people who trust articles on AP communication" Share "was 27%," If you are "people who do not trust articles on AP news" is 9%, it is declining sharply.

A comparison between "the unknown news source shared by trustworthy people" that can be said to be the ultimate choice and "the article of AP communication that the untrusted people shared". It is shown that it is influenced by people who share it rather than news sources.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt