Animals found around the world bicycle was real "Kemono Friends"

"Welcome to the Earth Park" "Friends that are only in Amazon", "Great" "Fun", as I found animals, the tension increased. In Africa local people enjoyed nature enough to be afraid that "wild animals are not afraid". I also found Kirin and Elephant.

Hello,Takuya SAITO who did a round around the world by bicycle @ Charridermanis. When I went around Japan, it was about monkeys, deer, antelope, boar, fox. However, if it becomes a round of the world, the width of the animal that comes out expands. Various animals standing in the way. Such real "Beast FriendsI was able to encounter it.

◆ Large and medium-sized wildlife
· Kangaroos(Australia)
Is not this animal that associates in Australia? That figure is drawn on both dollar coins and Qantas Airlines of flag carriers. Australia also made a round but we encountered kangaroo pretty much. When my eyes meet, I will run away with Pyo Pyo Pyo. There were also many traffic accidents and the dead body was rolling well on the road.

· Koala(Australia)
This is also Australia's leading animal. However, I stayed for 1 year and 10 months, but I witnessed it only once. Mountains in the vicinity of central Adelaide, people on the road were because of this koala. While holding sleepy eyes, I grabbed the eucalyptus leaf which is feeding and put it in my mouth.

· Camel(Mauritania)
As I go south from Morocco to the Sahara Desert, it comes out very much. Probably wild. I was walking walking in a deserted desert full of nothing. The number of Cobbs is different for this camel. As in the next picture, there are one Cobb if it is produced in Africa, while two Cobb is that it is from Asia. Souvenir camels are also different in Egypt and Mongolia, so please pay attention.

· Tortoise tortoise(Senegal)
On the outskirts of Dakar, the capital city of West Africa and Senegal, there is a place called "Turtle Park (Le Village des Tortues)". A large tortoise that seems to come out even in Oshima Taro of the old story was raised.

The animal I was looking forward to the most in Africa was an elephant. Tanzania has a place called Mikumi National Park. A trunk road passes through a vast savanna, so when you are running on a bicycle, various animals revealed themselves. Elephants also did. Skillfully use long nose and throw grass and leaves into your mouth. I had big ears on my back and my elongated tail was dangling.

"Elephants and giraffes walking in Savannah in Tanzania, reaching the imagined Africa"I also wrote an article called.

This is also a flock of Impala who met during the crossing of Mikumi National Park. It looked like a small deer.

I also like elephants, but I also love Kirin. I was watching the situation with a kind eyes like a horse.

· Zebra(Zimbabwe)
While wearing a self-assertive Shimasima, I lowered my head and I was chewing on grass and mushrooms. It occasionally appeared in the grassland area of ​​East Africa.

· Hippo(Botswana, Chobe National Park)
Pretty limbs stuck to the bulging stomach puffed up suddenly. I was caressing grass with Musshamshire. I also swam in the river like a submarine. However, since hippopotamus is terribly conscious animal, attention is necessary. There are talks of Hippo, the most animals killing humans in Africa.

· Crocodile(Botswana, Chobe National Park)
It seems to be a hinokobo, but it does not move anyhow. Suspicion of objects for tours that spring up with the Futtsutsu. Did you notice such an eye glaring slowly moved the mouth opened?

· Warthogs(Botswana, Chobe National Park)
An unwilling coming to the campground of Kasane. It seemed to be my favorite grass lawn and fluff.

· About Chobe National Park
It is a national park in northeastern part of Botswana. Zimbabwe, near the Victoria Falls in Zambia, there is a town called Kasane in Botswana. That was the tour base of Chobe National Park. When you join the tour in this city you can see animals of elephant, hippopotamus, lion, crocodile, impala, mongoose, baboon, monkey, African buffalo. "Discovering the appearance of an elephant swimming in the river at Chobe National Park in Botswana"I also wrote an article called.

· Elk / Wachipi(Canada)
The sightseeing base of Canadian · Rocky is the city called Banff. A crowd of people out of the city, Elk was in the center. A dignified style like the Lord of the Forest. Japanese name is U.S. akashika, native American designation.

· Vikuna(Ecuador)
I want to Nadenade smooth smooth coat. I am doing a slurpy body like a model. It was wild so I was always running away. Here is a piece of a miracle that I could get quite close.

· Llama & Alpaca(Peru)
The classic livestock raised in the Andean mountains of South America was Llama and Alpaca. However, since they are very similar and indistinguishable, there may be mistakes in articles written during the journey. It is said that llama is one size larger than alpaca. However, since it comes out mostly in nature, I can not grasp the size. It will escape as it approaches. There is also another way to distinguish that two ears are Jurou curvature and llama, if it is linear with peen, it is alpaca. If so, is it such a thing?

This is Llama.

This is Alpaca.

Guanaco inhabited the Patagonia region in southern South America. I have a physique that makes Vicuña strong. There was a fence of about 1 m in height along the highway along the nature of Patagonia to prevent accidents. Such a human effort also jumped over Pyeon and the fence without appearance and appeared on the road.

· Sloth(Peru)
The first impression when I found it was "There is a dying person hit by a car!" However, because the body is too small for that reason, it is exciting whether the identity is a zombie or an alien. Because an unknown object crossed the road, I breathed into it. It is curiosity to overcome such anxiety. Fearfully approached and confirmed its appearance and was relieved. It was only crossing Nosonoso and Sloth. It looked like I made a mistake as if I was a stuffed animal and I wanted to pick it up and take it home.

"I found a sloth in the road crossing and convinced that "it is defenselessly attacked and attacked""I also wrote an article called.

I live in the Patagonia region in southern South America. I have a cute face, but a body with knots looks like a big dung beetle and I am a bit sluggish. I was looking for insects lurking under the soil moving around.

"Armadillo living in the prairie of Argentina is cute kimo"I also wrote an article called.

· Monkey & Toku Monkey(Sri Lanka)
I encountered it in the middle of a little pass crossing. It was scattered at the end of the road. There were many child monkeys. I did not care because it was like a monkey in Japan, but actually it seems to be Monkey unique to Sri Lanka called Toku Monkey. I have a characteristic hairstyle like a hat.

· Patasumonkey(Senegal)
In Japan it was a monkey with unusual yellow ocher hair. I ran around the savanna lightly.

· Baboon / Baboons(Uganda)
It is Baboon that made the monkey a little larger. It was on the roadside. I took care because my physique is good.

· Orangutan(Malaysia)
Orautan is Malay and is an animal named "forest man". Sumatra Island and Borneo Island in Indonesia where tropical rainforest grows are habitat. However, the number has decreased due to development in recent years. Against this backdrop, the cemengo wildlife rehabilitation center temporarily protects the orangutans who have lost their lives in the forest due to various circumstances, and after the rehabilitation, they return to the wild. The facility is located in the suburbs of Kuching, Malaysia territory in northern Borneo. We were able to see semi-wild orangutans there. I moved between two ropes with hands with both hands.

◆ Small animals
· Yellow Mongoose(South Africa)
The first big city in South Africa from Namibia was Springbock. The place to stay is the campground, here is the yellow mongoose that came to visit there. It was a crisp look.

· Cape Hilux(South Africa)
Behind the city of Cape Town is the mountain called Table Mountain. It stands like a wall. When I climbed the summit at the ropeway, there were such lovely little animals. This Hilux (Japanese name Iwadanuki) seems to be a mouse or a rabbit at first sight. Actually, however, elephants and dugongs are mysterious animals that are near species.

· Squirrel(Mexico)
Discovered in a park with the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico City in the capital. Despite the small body I was dexterously moving over the tree.

· Hanaguma(Guatemala)
It came into Tikal ruins of Guatemala, which boasts the largest scale of Mayan civilization. As its name suggests, an elongated nose was characteristic. There is a raccoon in the near species.

◆ Birds
· Emu(Australia)
It is a bird that can not fly in Australia. We did not see much of the whole land in terms of habitats. I run with two slender legs. It was somewhat similar, like human running.

· Pelican(Australia)
In the western part of Australia, the wild dolphin was standing on the beach on the beach called Monkey Mia. I have raw animals with kyoton. But if you are alive and too close, you will be threatened with a big beak.

· Gossy inunda(Australia)
In Queensland, when you are resting in a park in a small town, burning colorful birds came. It was a parrot member and was a bird named "Rainbow Lorikeet". I was pretty accustomed to people.

· Schwasikow
It is a bird that became the origin of the legend that "the baby carries by the stork." Because the beak vermillion is vermillion it is called Shubashikou. Near species of the stork. I often found a nest on a telephone pole in the Balkans of Europe, Spain and Morocco in North Africa. It was awesome on a telephone pole like the founder of Disco.

· Vulture(Senegal)
I wanted to stay, I was catching my flesh, but my vigilance was strong and I took a distance by observing human signs. A life's activity that was unfolded in Savanna in Africa.

"From Southern Bolivia to Northern Chile"Jewel's RoadRunning along the route you can meet flamingos. A highland area exceeding 4000 m in altitude was a world like heaven without anyone. Flamingo wearing a thin pink that is thin in such a place is walking. Mysterious beauty. By the way, the flamingo here does not stand with one foot.

· Gulls(Chile)
Representatives of seabirds also in Japan. It is a bit scary to be threatened as the eye is bad ... ....

· Penguin(Argentina)
The bird that has evolved to swim the ocean without flying in the sky is a penguin. Penguin is an animal that lives only in Oceania, Africa, South America and the Southern Hemisphere. If you are going to travel around the world from now on please try trying out three places. I can do it as a penguin master. I stopped two places, Cape Town (Africa) and Ushuaia (South America). I can not forget the scenery walking around the beach with yo-yochi and an inadvertent footstep. I want to go see it again.

"I landed on the island full of penguins at the south end of Argentina and healed it"I also wrote an article called.

◆ Domestic animals
Bovine(new zealand)
Hanging eyes looking at Kyoton. That's what I have seen a lot of cattle. Bicycle journey was indispensable livestock. It was also a guy who confused the loneliness of a travel alone. You only have to look at it. Cow in Peru was fashionable with ribbon like accessories, Swiss cow was walking with the sound of Karan Karan and the bell. The cow in India was God.

· Buffalo(India)
The water buffalo that was bathing at the Ganges river had a look like an Osan soaked in a bathtub. Buffalo is cow but loves the waterfront. In Southeast Asia I was engaged in agricultural work in field instead of tractor.

I encountered it when I went around the biggest lake in China, Qinghai Lake. Shaggy body is characteristic. Although it is a companion of cattle, it has achieved the evolution adapting to Takahara life.

· Horse(America)
Have a mellow ecstasy eyes. It is a livestock that is indispensable to human life still depending on the horse-drawn carriage and the country instead of riding a motorcycle.

A donkey(Tanzania)
The domestic animals whose horses have been reduced smaller than the horses are donkeys. Silently carries human luggage. Basically silent and frustrating. But, in fact, from the calming facial expressions, I am the owner who can not imagine. I will scatter as if I had despair in the world.

· Sheep(Mongolia)
You are doing a relaxed look. Very cowardly personality. The sheep in countries such as Australia, Iran, Argentina, Sudan, Mongolia are strongly memorable. It was flocking around countless numbers.

Compared to sheep it is active and the rocky field rises with the sunbird. The leaves of the trees at high places are also fuzzy and standing up with two legs behind the gourmet child who eats with mogmog. Because it can be kept in harsh environments, it was useful as a domestic animal in arid regions and high mountains. When it is caught, it cries with "Wah, ah" like a child of a human being. When I looked back on thinking that my child was crying, it was usually a goat that I could not move.

· Pigs(Honduras)
"It is wild," but pigs were domesticated animals but full of mind. I do not care about surroundings, often eat well and go to bed. A big eater who eats anything without saying preference. In the forest of Spain there was a pasture where pigs run around. In Tonga of the Pacific Ocean, we also visit islands full of pigs.

"I can not say "It's just a pig" Living like a pig that you see abroad"On the island of Touga with a lot of pigs, we encounter a spectacle of breastfeeding breastfeeding by the sidewalk."I also wrote an article.

Northern Europe such as Finland and Norway was a paradise of reindeer. Reindeer only appears on the road. You also find huge groups like pictures. I was convinced that he was chosen as a buddy for Santa Claus.

"Will not you go see a lot of reindeer in Scandinavia? Reindeer reindeer collection taken at the roadside"I also wrote an article called.

Rabbits were raised on the roof of the cheap hotel I stayed at. Probably food.

· Chicken(Guatemala)
The world of Nintendo's game "The Legend of Zelda" was in reality. Chickens are usually walking around the streets abroad. As with broilers, chicken is a valuable source of protein in bicycle journeys. Because the price was also cheap, I ate only chicken meat.

It is a figure that I have seen somewhere, but everyone is different from a television commercial which is familiar insurance solicitation. There is a duck over there. Although I was not deeply conscious, "duck (duck)" and "goose (goose)" were different things. Ducks are mallards, goose are a group of cancer. A goose is long and vertical, compared with a duck, it has a big body a little over. I also heard stories that goose will replace watchdogs because of its strong alertness.

And here is that duck. Although it was such a scorching hot day, I was going to feel comfortable bathed in the water.

· Turkey(Ecuador)
The birds that Americans eat at Christmas is here. In English it is named "turkey (turkey)". It was a big bird with a round head.

· Hollow butterfly(Peru)
I was walking with chickens in the countryside in the Amazon region. I think that taste is also a food ingredient that is also used for French cuisine.

· Ostrich(South Africa)
It was kept normally by making an enclosure in the meadow zone. Livestock legs. It is the largest bird in the world. At first I was wary, but as I was observing it gradually reduced the distance. It is a bird that has evolved to run on the ground without stopping the sky.

◆ Rare animals
The sight of the palm-sized giant spider crawling with the Nosonoso was fear. Chirpy spirit becomes choked to a flesh-looking figure. It is a great thing to break into a tent. It was only once, but I had such a thing and fluttered out and kicked it out. However, as opposed to its appearance, toxicity is surprising as it is not that strong.

· Lizard?(Australia)
Other workers were caught when working at the watermelon farm on the outskirts of Western Bloom. It is a size that is frightening. Small little hands disproportionate to the body are sticking together.

· Porcupine(Indonesia)
The local people who invited me to dinner while crossing the island called Flores kept it.

· Sea snake?(Malaysia)
When walking through the city of the ancient capital Melaka, strange creatures swam with Swiss I at the Dove River. I am anxious but I am not sure what it is. That's why I took a picture, but it is a sea snake.

·Bat(Sierra Leone)
When walking in the capital city of Sierra Leo in West Africa, a tremendous number of bats were hanging from branches of trees. I had a camera without thinking, but please note that there is a theory that the bat is the source of Ebola hemorrhagic fever infection.

If a chrysanthemum body that was greenish body falls on a gray road, I would stop my feet if I do not want it. I was moving while swaying my body in small steps, killing eyes, up and down, left and right.

· Dung beetle(Botswana)
It was a good insector to roll the dick. I roll rollover and dent as if I could possess it in something.

·iguana(El Salvador)
The local people were selling at the side of the road with the limbs tied up and unable to move. It was a way of being treated as "food and eating" and food ingredients.

· Otters?(Argentina)
In the sun strong enough for the sweat to blow out, the black object drifting pleasantly at the water. It looks like an otter, but how about you?

◆ By subject
If you have something theme, you will have more pictures of animals. On the trip I was collecting photos of these scenes.

· While crossing the road
A snake in Australia. I was fortunate that I did not come out during the camp.

During Vietnam, a large group of ducks crossed my eyes. It quickly flowed by the action which was in full swoop at one stroke.

In the leisurely Romanian countryside, the stars and the geese run through.

Sheep crossed the road in a line. The car will also stop at a peaceful sight and watch over you. Yet the last sheep who came across me witnessed human signs. Standing in front of the road "Meje ~" I cried. Another sheep who noticed it went back to the road saying "What are you doing?", And brought the last sheep.

There are animals only in camels in the Sahara descended south to Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania.

An obstructive bovine obstructing the way to go. I am wary of this with a flat eyes.

The zebras who ran scoldingly.

Sloths crossed the road with Ekola Ecola like 匍匐 forward.

A group of alpacas in the high mountains of the Andes.

When I run abroad, I encounter occasionally Norauma (Nara horse). Wild horses were running through Patagonia in South America.

This is a true Tosho elephant. It is Sri Lanka, but I got accustomed to humans and was feeding for food.

· Parent-Child Bonds
It's a small camel. I stretched my spine and walked behind the parent camel.

A miserable appearance that seems to be heard even by a talking voice like "Mother Today ...".

Parent and child of Llama.

The nomads of Mongolia kept a lot of sheep. Every sheep got the same face from a human. Nonetheless, "parents find their children" and "children have parents" from the herd.

A little child child pigs that seems to get on the palm too.

A figure of a calf cuddling with a parent cow. This is not just overseas photos of Japan. It was an Iki cattle.

A swan family visits when resting on the river side of Austria. Since the parent bird rushed forward with a crouge, I was scared.

This is not a goose but a duck's parent.

◆ Various other
The Swiss cow was walking with the sound of a karan colon and a bell.

A splendid horse that was at the locals' home in Kyrgyzstan.

When a tent was withdrawing, there were things that a large group of sheep went by.

Weather rain with goat.

Three little pigs live action version.

A caravan of camels and donkeys that brings out salt from the Salt Lake in Ethiopia.

Kangaroo to escape.

Probably female Elk.

Apartment houses of Schwassow (Stork).

Appear in the fishing port of Vina del MarOtaliaFlock.

◆ Movie
I also took such a movie during the trip.

Meeting an elephant in Chariderman, Tanzania Part 1 - YouTube

Sloths returning to the forest - YouTube

Special island full of penguins to swim and walk on the beach - YouTube

"【Creatures】 Animals found around the world by chariderman around the worldI also made a playlist named. I am happy if you can see it also here.

◆ Points to note
That moment is a game. I will not have another chance. That was just a koala and a sloth only once. That's why I put the camera back at the easy-to-take position, with a single-lens reflex for front-viewing, a condenser on the waist pouch. Also, as unexpected scenes jump in something like a walking street for the last time, the place where you want to always carry the camera because it's OK even in the case of a condenser.

In summary, it is regrettable and unavoidable that the photographs in the early days of the trip are disappointing. I was hiding hooks enough with Condiji, but when I started using SLR, the difference was obvious. Is there performance of the camera, too? There are many pictures with no focus even at the beginning. If you stick to it, there will be no dust, but if you spend money on the camera it will only leave the results, so those who are planning to travel will definitely see it as a reference.

There was a section where a lion appeared in Botswana. As expected, camping is impossible, so I ran through in a day. When it is Alaska, a bear comes out. It is the iron rule that food is not put in the tent. There are dangerous animals, so please gather information properly. That is the reason why cattle are even broken and even chasing people is prohibited.

It was such a trip that I met many animals. After all the round of the bicycle world was great.

(Sentence / photo: Takuya S. Narou Charriderman
Cycling around the world for a bicycle
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