"Every nation is pressed for basic income to compensate for automation by AI," Eylon Mask said

Ellon Mask, who heads Tesla and SpaceX at World Government Summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates said, "The wave of automation associated with the evolution of AI is inevitable,Introduction of basic incomeI will be pressed for "by predicting the world of the near future.

Elon Musk warns global governments about the future

Elon Musk Says Governments Will Have to Introduce 'Universal Basic Income' for Unemployed
(Movie automatic playback attention)http://europe.newsweek.com/elon-musk-world-government-summit-556211

Mr. Mask predicts that government will introduce basic income by automation before.

"In the future robots will deprive people of their work, the government will pay basic income," Eulon Mask said - GIGAZINE

Mask asked about the crisis faced by civilization in the near future and answered "One of the most troublesome problems is artificial intelligence (AI)". And, expressed as "digital super intelligence is like an alien" brought about by AI technology, we expect that AI with intelligence with an intelligence exceeding the highest intelligence of humanity will appear after 10 years, 20 years later.

Mr. Mask said, "Given the magnitude of the impact of the evolution of AI technology, researchers should pay attention to how they use AI, and the government regulates AI development so as not to pose a public safety threat It is most important to do it. " Scientists and technicians are obsessed with the subjects of research and development, so it is often that they overlook the influence that technology has on society, so it seems Mr. Mask's idea is that public regulation is necessary .

Mr. Mask points out that social structure will change in the near future by automation by development of AI technology. For example, the automated driving car is manufactured within 10 years and the structural change of the transportation industry using automobiles will occur within 20 years. 12% to 15% of workers say they will lose their job within a relatively short period of 20 years.


Governments should consider the introduction of "basic income" that guarantees minimum income regardless of whether or not they will work, in response to the socio-economic transformation that such automation by AI will bring, Mr. Mask I am thinking. "There is no other choice for the reality that robots can not do work that can not be done rapidly," Mr. Mask says.

in Software,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log