Tools & Guide "QuietKit" to make meditation a habit and be released from daily stress

ByPietro Bellini

Meditation can change human brain and help to release people from stressIt is clear from past research, It is quite difficult to actually meditate properly. So, even if you are a beginner, tools and guides that made it possible to incorporate meditation into life are "QuietKit"is.

Guided meditation for beginners (for free) from QuietKit

QuietKit is a very simple tool, and first selects the time you want to meditate from "2 minutes" "4 minutes" "6 minutes" "8 minutes" "10 minutes" on the website. Choosing "2 minutes" ...

Since the audio appears, you can press the play button OK. Then, with the rain sound, "Please extend the spine straight and relax." "Please close your eyes slowly so that you can concentrate on your breathing by placing your hand on your lap" "Concentrate on the sensation that breathing comes into your body Please guide slowly, "the guide by the instructor will flow in English.

Meditation is an act of "closing your eyes and concentrating on breathing", but when you actually do it, you can understand the difficulty of concentrating only on breathing without considering anything else in just a few minutes I will. Therefore, it sometimes becomes "I do not know how to do it inconveniently" or "There is no effect", but if you call the guide of QuietKit below and reproduce the audio, it is possible for anyone to incorporate meditation on a daily basis Thing.

◆ How to use QuietKit
(1) Sit straight with the spine straight in a quiet and comfortable place
(2) Attach headphones (to block external objects that hinder meditation)
(3) Choose the optimal meditation time for yourself
(4) Close your eyes by pressing "Play"
(5) Breathe in and concentrate on extracting

◆ Tips for beginners
Even if you are just beginning meditation trying to concentrate on breathing will consider other things, but there is no problem. In such a case, please let out what you think to flush out of your head, do not panic, please try to focus on breathing again. Even those who have been doing meditation training for years do have the time to think about other things.

◆ To make meditation a habit
Discussion of "How long should you do meditation?" Is sometimes discussed, but meditation can be benefited by 'doing everyday' even in a short period of time.

It is good to conscious of the following points to make meditation into habit.

· Perform for a short time
I will not try to meditate for 10 minutes suddenly and start with 2 minutes.

· Do not make an impossible schedule
Instead of "Continuing meditation every day for 10 minutes a day", "Meditation for 2 minutes per day for 1 week", "Meditation for 4 minutes a day for 2 weeks" "Meditation for 6 minutes a day for 3 weeks "Meditation in 8 minutes a day for 4 weeks" "meditation in 10 minutes a day for 5 weeks" "Meditation in 10 minutes before going to sleep soon after getting up" Please increase the time to do.

· Consistent
Meditation is done everyday, at the same time, in the same place. Please wake up in the morning and go before you go to school or company. If you can not do it in the morning, you should decide the time before and after lunch, after dinner, before going to bed, and so on. Please find an environment that is right for you for meditation.

Also, when you get used to meditation it is recommended to set the second meditation time of the day. The second meditation to be done after work, after school, before going to bed, etc. will be the reset time of the day.

The effect of meditation is said to be "to reduce stress and anxiety" "to increase concentration," "to be in a state of mindfulness" and so on. Further detailed effects etc. can be read in detail in the following article.

What is the scientific effect of "meditation"? - GIGAZINE

QuietKit is "UsersThinkA tool created by John Turner who is the founder of the start-up called " Turner, who often felt stress when his work was doing well, was looking for ways to deal with stress, but eventually he caught up on meditation. Turner knew from the past that "meditation helps to reduce stress", but recentlyThe effect was scientifically provedI decided to start meditation. However, it is surprisingly difficult to tackle meditation, and in order to gain advice, the books described about meditation are thick and difficult to understand, and many meditation courses do not allow compromise, and applications need signup There were a lot of things that were charged or charged.

Turner, who realized from these things "There are few tools and services that will help beginners of meditation", decided to build tools themselves for themselves. I tried using the tool I actually made and found that I succeeded in reducing stress by meditation. "My mission now is that all the people living on this planet will benefit from meditation, as I was acquired," Turner says.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log