A record of how "mindfulness" practiced by Google killed creativity


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"Turn your consciousness into what you are experiencing at this moment"Mindfulness"Has been shown to be effective in recent research, and is also practiced among Googlers. Mindfulness is one of the advantages of "reducing stress" and "reducing the risk of disease", but those who claim that "creativity has been robbed by executing mindfulness" is a mind I reveal the disadvantage of fullness.

How meditation killed my creativity and made me more stressed - Life Learning - Medium

The mindfulness of concentrating consciousness completely in what is happening around memeditationIt is close to the presentIt is also used in medical field. Mindfulness with various efficacies, roughly explaining the advantages, it is as follows.

· Reduce stress and anxiety
· Better decisions will be made
· Concentration increases
· Creativity increases
· Can live longer
· Lower blood pressure
· Decrease the value of cholesterol
Sleep sleep

Hearing this much is a good idea. Moreover, regarding the mindfulness act of sitting and repeating breathing, it is effective even if only 10 minutes a day, and venture capitalKickpayCo-founder ofStefano BernadiHe actually said that he decided to run mindfulness.

ByPetras Gagilas

Mr. Bernadi downloads practices of meditation and mindfulness from the website that explains about mindfulness, conducts more than 10 minutes a day, when he feels stress, he does more in everyday life He practiced mindfulness by concentrating on what he has, his food in the mouth, water running over the skin, breathing, and the hustle and bustle of the city.

"I felt something completely changed in myself as a result of continuing meditation for several months," Bernadi said, but the change seems not necessarily good. Until then, Mr. Bernadi took in a huge amount of knowledge, constantly comparing and balancing ideas in the head, he was trying to read as many aspects of things as possible. I listen to the audio book on the commuter train, think about something that will have an impact on my life and business, thinking until I become unconscious in the bed even before going to bed, thinking in 10 minutes I am taking a shower There were times when I got no idea.


However, meditation and mindfulness are carried out, feeling the breathing and the scenery of the people in the train, the head is empty in the bed, the consciousness is directed to the weight of the body, and during the shower feels the waterdrops flowing over the skin As I relaxed, I heard that all the ideas and creativity I felt had disappeared.

Mr. Bernadi's creativity was created by reading books, thinking and trying to ascertain how readable things can be applied to life and business. However, by performing meditation and mindfulness, Mr. Bernadi seems to have felt that less time to think down and creativity has gone. Although meditation and mindfulness that should reduce stress, in the case of Mr. Bernadi, it became an unfamiliar situation that "stress is born by the disappearance of the underlying concept of stress".

After that, Mr. Bernady stopped doing meditation and mindfulness. When you stop working, Bernadie says that creativity has returned and you can concentrate on what you should concentrate.

"It may be that I made a mistake in meditation and mindfulness, but perhaps it's not for everyone," Bernadie says. Although it may be good for people who are sensitive to stress in detail, even when bringing disadvantages to those who are constantly thinking in their minds. In the case of executing mindfulness, it seems necessary to judge firmly whether it fits for me rather than blind faith.

ByAlice Popkorn

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log