I have been eating "Lots of Chinese cabbage chapon" of Ringer Hut vegetable crispy with 300 grams of Chinese cabbage

We used seasonal Chinese cabbage and soybeans from Hokkaido "Chinese cabbage plentiful Champon」At Ringer Hut today I can eat from January 16, 2017, so I went to eat how much it was.

Chinese cabbage plentiful Chapon: Nagasaki Champon Ringer Hut

Arrived at Ringer Hut

To eat is kore, "Chinese cabbage plentiful Champion". Regular is 430 g of vegetables with tax of 680 yen, small is 365 g of vegetables and taxed 580 yen. This time I ordered a regular size.

A little over five minutes has passed and Champon is completed. Anyway, Chinese cabbage is conspicuous.

That should be that, among the 430 g of vegetables, Chinese cabbage occupies 300 g.

The hen is buried under that Chinese cabbage.

Ingredients other than Chinese cabbage are grilled, kamaboko, carrots, shrimp and so on.

As for soy milk soup, the taste is rich but the mouthfeel is mellow, enveloping the umami. As there is a pot of soy milk soup, Chinese cabbage is also well matched with soy milk soup, it has such a large amount that it has a big presence and makes me feel that I am eating vegetables. Those who choose this menu should think that there is no problem because people who think that they want to take vegetables, but the amount of shrimp and pork is considerably less. The amount of vegetables as a whole is substantial, so this stuff is full with this one glass.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt