Thundercloud type Bluetooth speaker "Floating Cloud" which floats in air while lightning strikes according to music
Bluetooth speakers made it possible to do something like fiction inside "Generate clouds in the room" with real interiorFloating Cloud"is. Inside the fluffy clouds and floating clouds, it is a fantastic item that the thunder light sparkles according to the music.
Floating. + Rc.
Floating Cloud - CREALEV
This is a fluffy cloud "Floating Cloud" floating in the house. Magnet components are built in both the base and the cloud, and the cloud made of cotton floats fluently with magnetic force.
The cloud floats on the base 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 cm) ... ...
Built-in LED light glows like lightning light according to music.
You can check how you actually use Floating Cloud from the following movie.
Making Weather on Vimeo
When the man operated the remote control, the music began and the cloud began to shine.
The LED lights are lit in purple ......
It flashes colorfully according to music such as yellow, light blue.
When music reaches the climax, it shines brightly.
It was a Floating Cloud that was moving as if it were spinning slowly on the base, but when I put power from above it was bouncing with a po popon.
Floating Cloud is a project collaborated by two design offices Richard Clarkson Studio and Crealev. Since the prototype was completed at the time of article creation, it is not mentioned about commercialization. Meanwhile, the two offices have announced works that used clouds as concepts, and general sales are starting here.
Smart Cloud + rc.
The cloud-shaped lamp "Smart Cloud" can be used as a speaker with Bluetooth. You can also reproduce thunderclouds in the room using light and sound.
It is like this when you hang a lot. Incidentally,The price is 3360 dollars (about 347,000 yen)It has become.
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