What chemical changes are occurring in the body when people are in love?

There is a word "love is blind", when people do romance, everything changes, such as disappearance of things around, emotions rising, happiness and sadness. About what kind of chemical change is occurring in the brain when humans are in love Movie "The Chemistry of Love"Explains it.

The Chemistry of Love - YouTube

Have you ever been in love?

Love sometimes drives people crazy.

A man who throws out "You do not think it is sane". But she is not crazy.

Let's chemically consider what state it means "to love".

Daisy reading a book at a cafe.

There seems to be a presence which is interested by books.

A smile of Max is on the other side of Daisy's line of sight.

Daisy who is not even unhappy to return a smile.

"Max (I have something on my face)" to do.

It seems that it was a misunderstanding of Daisy.

But Max is a letter when leaving.

"follow me"

Daisy to do it.

When people love each other, I know that they go through three stages.

The first stage is "LUST (passionate passion)"

Passion brings people back to beasts.

While having sex, it's fun and desire attracts the next stage.

The second stage is "ATTRACTION"

At this stage, it is totally addictive like a drug.

Daisy looking at Max.

Max is also the same. In this state all relationships with partners are all. Other things are secondary.

Max is the ball hit by the head ... ...

I will not show anything to worry about at all. It is a state where nothing is seen in other than loved ones.

To the brain "DopamineIt is released, and my heart is always exciting.

Sometimes I will ask for a return ... ...

It is common for me to crush a crawl. Brain narcotics like cocaine "Phenyl air thymine(PEA) "has been released.

The third stage "ATTACHMENT (attachment)" which is the last stage to greet is

In the final stage, "in the brain"Oxytocin"Will be released.

Oxytocin requires hugs and dedication.

This makes people feel secure and more intimate relationships.

Oxytocin isorgasm(Sexual cum) when it is released.

Also, in orgasmVasopressinAlso released, it suppresses cheating.

Oh, how fun is love.

But in my research I know that passionate love fades away quickly.

After a couple of years and three years have elapsed, what will make it possible to see partners intelligently.

At this stage, it is often catastrophic.

According to research, it is known that the brains of people who are in catastrophe will be in the same state as the brains of drug addicts.

It is said that both romantic love and drugs are accompanied by addiction.

Both are painful to get out of this condition.

Depression, anger, desperation, self-hatred

I thought of being obsessed with obsession ... ...

The style of meal changes greatly.

Women are greatly hurt by catastrophe.

But this is the same for men.

Studies have shown that men have a long period of injury due to catastrophe.

However, thankfully, the injury is gone quickly.

In the meantime a new love begins.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log