Although it is tart, squid and tomato sauce "What a Tart!" Tasting review

A specialty shop of sweet tart with vegetables, meat, fish etc.What a Tart!"is. When we say tart, we imagine sweet foods that are lining up with cake shops, but as it is said what tarts can eat tart as "meal", actually go to a shop It was.


The address of What a Tart! Is "5-1 51 - 1 Jingumae Shibuya - ku, Tokyo." Restaurant bar & wedding hall "Classica OmotesandoIt's on the first floor.

There is a wedding hall, and the shop is fashionable even when seen from the outside.

When I entered the store, it was an atmosphere of adults with moody music.

Tarts can see the real on the display next to the cash register. When I arrived at the shop after 17 o'clock, there were many goods already sold out.

After a while after ordering, the tart arrived on a silver plate.

Three types of items ordered this time: "roasted tomato", "burnt squid, paprika & black rice salad" and "club cake". Both were provided in a slightly warmed condition.

The size compared with iPhone SE is about this. It is the size that it seems to be gripped by hand.

As I tried to eat it with a fork, the tart texture was a bit hard, and as I felt that the whole tart would collapse if I put a fork in my strength.

I will hold it with my hands and eat it.

When roasted tomatoes put the letters "tart" in the head and gnawing, expectations are overwhelmed, and the taste of surprisingly vegetable taste. Because heat is added, petit tomato is sweet and sour rich and the fragrance of rosemary spreads into the mouth fluffily. The paste inside is paste of chick pea "KhumsIt is a combination of avocado and tart ingredients, too, with RUKKORA being kneaded in, it looked like a sweet but there are no elements of sweets in taste. Cookie fabric is used for "tart" as a sweet but this was rather textured with polypropylene texture like biscuit.

Subsequently, "Grilled squid, paprika & black rice salad". Bamboo charcoal is kneaded in the black fabric.

Black rice is packed inside.

On the top of black rice it is frying paprika in a curry style and it is pretty spicy, but there is sweetness of paprika and onion lettuced firmly at the same time. Slime mackerel is grilled and grilled eyes, black rice is lemonVinaigrette sauceAs it can be seen, it has a slightly sour taste, it became one item that fits the summer in which the taste, sourness, sour mackerel flavor etc. integrated.

The last is "club cake". It looks like a lawn.

When I cut it, there were plenty of crabs under the green breadcrumbs.OLD BAY SEASONINGIt is said to be using the seasoning used for North American club cake called crab cake which can enjoy mellow taste, crab flavor was condensed, but also tofu and baked cake is included, there is atmosphere of a little ethnic . It is also good that there are plenty of textures like crispy polypropylene like biscuits, crispy crumb flakes, fluffy crabs.

In addition, "roasted tomato" "burnt squid, paprika & black rice salad" and "club cake" are each 550 yen. Besides this, there are seasonal menus etc, so you can enjoy even colorful tarts just watching it, so it looks good to take it home and bring it as a souvenir.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log