Movie of 'Great Ball Contraption' carrying balls one after another with huge equipment made of Lego block

An exhibition event of LEGO block works in Japan "Japan Brickfest 2016"Was held on June 4 th and 5 th June 2016, exhibitions of works using the Lego block, competitions, flea market etc were held. The exhibition hall carries the ball with a huge device made of Lego block "Great Ball Contraption(GBC) "appeared in the previous year, and a movie which can see the detailed modules of the equipment is released.

Great Ball Contraption (GBC) at Japan Brickfest 2016 - YouTube

Producers of GBC who gained popularity with Japan Brickfest 2015AkiyukiThis is the GBC that is shown in this movie jointly created by four people including Mr. Han.

Using the parts of the reflector plate of the LEGO block light as a cup for ball transport, we will deliver the ball one after anotherCup to Cup". A spiral lift is used for parts that first lift the ball up.

Then the ball ran down the slope ... ...

Archimedes spiralA module that carries balls using "Archimedes Screw Type 1We will proceed to. As Archimedes Screw Type 1 is made of transparent material, the mechanism that carries the ball on the tube is made to be transparent through.

The next module "Fork to Fork & Snake SlideFirst, lift the ball with a rotating wheel ... ...

We will hand over the ball with fork shaped parts using the Lego block antenna parts. It is a mechanism that arranges four antenna parts in a rectangular shape and installs it by changing the angle by 90 degrees so that the balls can be handed over without the fork's tip hitting each other.

When the ball reaches the top of the module, it will run down the slide set next to it.

Then I will fire the ball toward the goal of basketball "Basket Shooter V 2". The ball will pop out from three launch pads.

Successfully shot succeeding ball goes through the lane to the next module.

"Planets"As with Fork to Fork, it is a module using antenna parts. Using the planet parts of the Star Wars series, the balls that have been brought around the planet instead of the spacecraft, with the setting that the spacecraft moves around the planets of the solar system in order.

The subsequent module "Pinball"Is a module with a pinball stand as a motif. A basketball goal is set at the bottom of the table.

The next module,fin"Water wheel". A block assembled in the form of a water mill creates a ball and carries it.

Also, Finn's "Steering cup" is a module to scoop up and carry balls with cups attached to both ends of the arm.

"Scoop"Is a mechanism that scoops balls at a stroke with huge fork-like parts and carries the ball by rotating the entire arm.

I will carry the ball up with an elliptical lift "Spiral Lift Type 2".

You can see from the side that it is an elliptical shape. Using the long lane, rotate the direction of the Great Ball Contraption by 180 degrees and proceed to the second half.

Toise's work "Belt conveyor & SlideIs a module that lifts a ball with a belt conveyor and the ball slides down a slide made of yellow and gray pipes. The doll standing at the foot of the belt conveyor is cute.

Also written by ToiseGachon"Orange parts have tires attached ... ...

Balls coming down the lane are brought together and sent to the next module.

Y. KuramataMr.'s module "Fast and Slow"The angles are different in the three lanes of red, yellow and blue, respectively, and it is said that the speed of ball rolling is changing.

"Wheel & StepsLifting the ball with a yellow rotating wheel ... ....

Yellow green parts move up and down and carry the ball.

"Six Heads"Six heads sandwich the ball with rubber force, and as it pulls off the neck, it pushes the ball with the tongue. It seems that it is because the heads are arranged to earn processing speed.

Subsequently, a combination of a large curve slope and a screwArchimedes Screw Type 2".

"Bucket-wheel TowerIt is a mechanism that changed the motion of the arm to infinite rotation by making the Cup to Cup module vertical.

The ball which reached the top passes through the black lane to the next module.

"Marble Run"Is a module of a shape like a roller coaster using a colorful flexible hose.

"Fast Ball Sorting RobotThe educational version of LegoMindstorm EV 3A module that uses a color sensor to select soccer balls and basketball. It is possible to sort two or more balls per second.

The ball will advance to the next module where the ball has accumulated to some extent.

Next, use the rubber band to grasp the ball and release the module "Catch and Release". He said that he made a dent so that the ball would come directly under the arm.

The end is "Archimedes Screw Type 3". I heard that they also make a return rail for returning spilled balls to lanes.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log