Create a device that color-codes M & M and Skittles automatically

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Colorfully coated chocolate confectionery such as red, blue, orange color "M & M"Reading color information with RGB sensor Reading color information Processed by the microcomputer board to automatically color-categorize a device has appeared, and the movie in which the device actually operates is released.

M & amp; Ms and Skittles sorting machine -

You can check how the device that color-codes M & M automatically is actually working from the following movie.

M & amp; Ms and Skittles sorting machine - YouTube

This is M & M automatic color coding device, the size is 25 cm in diameter and 30 cm in height. Not only M & M but also candySkittlesColor coding is also possible. Pour M & M into the bowl at the top of the device ...

M & M is color coded automatically and accumulates in the cup installed at the bottom of the device.

While a thing like a cylindrical faucet turns around with kurukuru, M & M is color-coded into a cup corresponding to each color. In M & M it is possible to color one by 2 seconds.

What is inside of this device is that the cup that pours in M ​​& M carries a gear, and by rotating the gear at regular intervals, the timing at which M & M falls down is adjusted, It prevents clogging in the equipment.

RGB sensor is used for color coding. The inside of the white wheel is divided into four, and M & M flows in each one space. The RGB sensor says that M & M which flowed is separated by recognizing colors by optical analysis.

The Arduino Nanos (2 units) of the microcomputer board and the EasyDriver (2 units) of the module controlling the stepping motor control color coding and motor operation. The EasyDrive controlled stepping motor rotates the white wheel 90 degrees at regular intervals and carries M & M to the location of the RGB sensor. The RGB sensor performs M & M carried in front of me in three consecutive optical analysis over 30 milliseconds, Arduino Nanos handles the information read by this, and determines the color of the object.

And based on the data of the color analyzed by Arduino Nanos, the bottom exit turns towards the cup corresponding to each color while turning and coloring the M & M.

At the time of coloring, the LED light mounted on the body part emits light in a color corresponding to the color coding.

Creator Willem Penning designed the M & M automatic color-coding device with CAD.

Each part was asked for 3D printing service to have it created based on the design document.

The equipment is made of wood, and the part of the pillar is made by cutting wooden sticks.

The pillar is hollow in the center and it is possible to put in the cable connected to the stepping motor in the center.

The second row is piled on the pillar.

The second row has LED lights arranged around it.

This is the wheel with the inside divided into 4 and the RGB sensor (the back of the wheel).

EasyDriver and Arduino Nanos (2 units). Without these two, it is a part that can be said to be the heart of the device, because it can not operate the motor or process the information read by the RGB sensor.

The space of the second stage is full of cables. Connect RGB sensor sensor · Arduino Nano · stepping motor · EasyDriver etc. with a cable ... ...

Finally it is completed by lid. According to Mr. Penning, work began on May 16, 2016, making prototypes and refining them is completed and completed in December. The work period is about half a year. It seems that it costed 500 dollars (about 56,000 yen) in total, including the prototype, until completion.

Penning said that he has taken inspiration from the automatic color coding device created by other users and has made the development of this device. You can check the automatic color coding device that Mr. Penning referred to from the following movie.

Sorting Machine - Skittles and M & amp; M's - YouTube

In addition, M & M and Skittles automatic color coding devices are created by many users, so it seems to be popular as their own work. The self-made automatic color categorizing device can be enjoyed just by watching as the design is different by each user or the color coding process is different.

My Nonstop / Skittles sorting machine - YouTube

3D Printed Skittles Sorting Machine - YouTube

M & amp; s sorting machine - YouTube

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log