Although it is still small, but there is great possibility in the future Presentation material that can clearly understand the Internet situation of Africa
ByGerard Romans Camps
I am a vendor of network equipment such as data center in South AfricaTeraco Data EnvironmentsHowever, we are presenting presentation materials that can clearly understand the Internet situation in Africa, and we are now able to see many interesting figures.
Africa: Regional Insights
Africa is the second largest economic growth region in the world now.Southern African Development Community(SADC)Annual average growth rate(CAGR) is as shown in the graph on the right, and has been growing rapidly on the right.
The graph showing the Internet capacity of the world is as follows. Every year around the world Internet capacity is exploding.
And the graph below shows how much each region of the world uses internet bandwidth capacity. As of 2011, Africa's line usage rate, which was only around 2%, has increased to about 10% in 2015. Instead, the proportion occupied by regions such as Europe, Africa, America and Canada is decreasing.
As you can see from the whole world, internet capacity is exploding in Africa, but in AfricaInternet exchangeThe map below shows briefly the market of IXP.
There are 54 countries in Africa, but there are only 34 in IXP in 24 countries. The oldest IXP was founded in 1996 and the newest one is Babon-IX which started service in 2016. Africa's total IXP traffic is over 160 Gbps and the most traffic is 90 Gbps in South Africa. It is the IXP Association of AfricaAfrican IXP AssociationWas founded in 2013.
Illustration of IXP usage charges in Africa. Although it is widely prepared from 10 Mbps to 10 Gbps, the port of low capacity still occupies 90% of the whole.
The map below shows current Internet usage in Africa. A country where the environment where the Internet can be used without restriction of green is in place. Although it is only South Africa and Kenya in Africa, it can use the Internet freely without limitation even in Japan, the United States, etc. worldwide. In addition, some countries have some restrictions but are able to use the Internet freely, yellow is restricted, countries with restrictions are red, countries not available are displayed in gray. As you can see, the Internet has not even opened in many parts of Africa yet. That's why it's a surprising fact that it occupies a large proportion of the Internet's internet capacity in the world.
South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria account for 95% of the total area of the data center in Africa. It is 40,000 square meters in South Africa that has the widest data center, but it is in JapanTotal floor area of the data centerIf you look at it, you can see that there will still be many more data centers in the future.
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