Weather forecast for various cities expressed in ASCII art (AA) ""

A service that displays information such as weather, temperature, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation probability, precipitation amount of urban areas around the world, three days ""is. Weather information in various regions including not only cities around the world but also Tokyo and Osaka in Japan, Tokushima city which is the prefectural office location of Tokushima prefecture, etc. is also a service that can display weather at ASCII art (AA) It is expressed.

Weather for City: Tokyo, Japan

The top page of "" looks something like this.

At the top of the screen is the place name displaying weather information (in the case of Japan in the following case), below it the weather information (in the following cases, it is a sunny day because it is sunny) is displayed and the temperature (16 degrees), wind direction (southwest), wind speed (7 km / h), precipitation (0 mm) are recorded.

And below that, weather information of one day is displayed divided into four time zones. The time zone is only roughly divided between morning, daytime, evening and night, and it does not indicate which time zone the actual time is actually showing.

actuallyWeather forecast of Japan Meteorological AgencyYa

Weather forecast for tenki.jpWhen we compare the weather forecast for 3 days with this, Both weather and temperature refer to similar contents.

「」のURLは「」ですが、末尾に「osaka」と加えた「 can see the weather information of Osaka by accessing.

Of course also weather information is accurate.

Other, Fukuoka ... ....

I was able to display the weather information of Tokushima city.

However, you enter, attention is necessary because the weather information of Nagoya in Indonesia is displayed instead of Nagoya in Japan.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by logu_ii