Taxi dispatch service "Uber" sued rival company for suspected business disturbance due to massive false reservations

Uber, which provides online shipping services all over the world, is the second largest in the world with motorbike taxi in India "UberMOTOWe have started a large-scale market with "Ola", a rival company that provides motorcycle taxi service as well. Meanwhile, Uber sued Ola as "Ola creates massive Uber accounts and repeats vacant reservations."

Uber Sues Ola Claiming Fake Bookings as India Fight Escalates - Bloomberg Business

According to Uber's claim, "Ola made a Uber account with over 90,000 Uber accounts with a fictitious phone number, repeatedly applying for 400,000 fake reservations, repeatedly interfere with the driver," Ola is operating I filed a complaint with disturbance. Ola, on the other hand, commented that "Uber's assertions are all fake and frivolous acts" and completely denied the charges claimed by Uber.

In addition, Uber stated in the petition that "Ola's employees continued to send messages to confuse Uber's drivers from August 2015 to February 2016, but Ola issued a separate statement" This is nothing but an effort to reverse attention from reality facing heavy losses caused by Uber's seizure of vehicles to government authorities. " beforeUber's driver worked sexually assault on passengers in IndiaAlthough there was a case called and the Indian Transportation Bureau issued a business suspension order to Uber and Ola, both companies seized a large amount of vehicles because they continued to operate without following the order, and Ola It is mentioning the matter.

Whether the assertion is correct or not will be discussed in court, but if Uber's assertion is accepted, it will lead to the Indian market with the second largest population in the world. In addition, beforeUber made an empty reservation for an American rival company "Lyft"It was reported that it was done.

in Note,   Mobile,   Software,   Web Service,   Web Application,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log