When you securely attach "hidden motor" to the road bike, it looks like this

"Hidden motors" whose existence was rumored from around 2010 in the bicycle racing world are being used from the car body used by a 19-year-old Belgian female player who participated in the cyclocross championship held in Belgium on January 30, 2016DiscoveryIt was done. According to the International Bicycling Union, this is the first time that "mechanical doping (equipment doping)" has been discovered at the top level convention, but its existence has been rumored before the incident was discovered, and in 2015 4 Handling bicycle-related news at the time of the monthCyclingTipsReports what kind of "electric assist assisted secretly attached to a bicycle" is.

Hidden motors for road bikes exist - here's how they work | CyclingTips

Bicycling competition performed on off roadCyclocross"World Congress was held in Belgium on January 30, 2016. In the competition, age-specific categories were set up, equipment for electric assist was found from the bicycle used by Belgium's National Champion and European champion Femke Fandendorish, who participated in the U23 tournament It was. This was the first time that technical injustices were confirmed at the top level convention, and Van den Dory's player denies that it is "a friend's thing and not a bicycle".

【Bicycle】 Belgian players use "hidden motors" or "equipment doping" and ripples - Sankei news

Discovery of the first instrumental doping ever in the Cyclocross world championship | cyclowired

In a bicycle race, a rainless "hidden motor", rumors finally reality: Isa!

"Hidden motors" that look like the ones used in the tournament but do not know that the electric motors are installed are already on the market. CyclingTips actually sets one of them on the bicycle and confirms the operation.

CyclingTips tried set-up because the Australian vivax drive sells "Vivax assist". This is a substitute that is close to 4300 Australian dollars (about 360,000 yen), besides the electric motor, besides the electric motor, a seat post for storing a battery pack and a battery storage saddle bag, a charger, an electronic control unit, a motor for a bicycle Adapter for connecting to crank etc is set as a set.

This is vivax assist. It is a type of motor installed on the crank of the bicycle (the shaft connecting the left and right pedals), and the length is 22 cm. The following image in a cylindrical shape with silver and black stretching vertically becomes a motor. The battery of the motor is designed to be mounted on the back side of the seat, power is supplied by a cable extending from this, and the crank and the motor are connected by gears.

This is the connecting gear part. There is a gear on the bottom and crank of the motor, which meshes and turns the pedal.

It actually looks like this. The point is that it does not seem like a motor is installed even from the end.

The default is to store the battery in its own saddle bag and fix it on the back side of the saddle.

Batteries stored in saddle bags are quite huge.

Moreover, it seems that it is possible to hide the battery in the frame as an option.

Activation of the motor is only OK by pushing the button, the button is attached to the lower part of the handle and is connected to the control device attached to the seat post.

The output of the motor of vivax assist is 200 W (watt), which seems to be because the motor output of e-motorbike (electric assisted bicycle) is classified as 250 W in Australia. However, the output transmitted to the drive shaft part by vivax assist seems to be equivalent to 110 W. In addition, vivax assist assists the rider's pedaling, and when using it "power to rider pedal" + "output of motor" will be combined. In addition, the capacity of the battery can be assisted for 60 minutes and the one that can assist 90 minutes. The weight of the motor is 750 grams, the battery is 900 grams who can assist 60 minutes. If we include other parts, we will weigh as much as 1.8 kg in all. In the case of a battery that can assist 90 minutes, the weight will be increased by 400 grams further.

Shimano's Holotec II crank and a straight seat tube capable of storing a 31.6 mm diameter motor are required for installation. The size of the motor is 220 mm in length × 31.6 mm in diameter.

The following image shows the Vivax brand carbon frame in ShimanoULTEGRASeries transmissions and pedals, Sera Italian saddle, Zipp60 ClincherAnd etc attached. Of course the vivax assist is connected to the crankshaft part. In addition, with the vivax assist attached, the weight of the whole bicycle seems to be 7.9 kg.

In addition, although the start button of the motor is wired, it can be changed to one of wireless connection. In the case of the wireless connection button, the button can be embedded in the handle part etc.

The road motorcycle which actually set the vivax assist, the state of using the electric motor is to be seen in the following movie, just by turning the pedal a little bit, the wheel will endlessly You can see how it continues to rotate.

Motor demo on Vimeo

In addition, even if the motor is not activated, unnecessary resistance seems not to be felt, and it seems that it certainly felt the benefits of the motor when used for a steep climb and the like. Also, thanks to the assistance of the motor, it is very easy to get around the bicycle while maintaining a constant pace. There seems to be a noise of a very small sound from the motor, but it seems that it is not so big. Also, you can hear the noise around the end of the following movie.

Vivax Assist on-bike demo on Vimeo

In addition, vivax assist was developed not to be hidden for use at the time of cycling, but to be able to fill even a little even the difference in capability of riding during cycling etc. However, CyclingTips says "There is a possibility that vivax assist and similar products will be used in cycling", and that has finally come true in 2016.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by logu_ii