The movie "The Amazing History Of Air Refueling" which collectively evolved the evolution of air refueling technology

Supplies fuel from an aircraft flying to another aircraftAir refuelingVarious technologies are introduced from the viewpoint of safety and certainty. "The Amazing History Of Air Refueling"Is a movie summarizing the history of such refueling.

The Amazing History Of Air Refueling - YouTube

The world's first air refueling took place on November 2, 1921.

A man named Wesley May of Stuntman who refueled. It was the first time in the air for me to refuel human beings to refuel by climbing a 5 gallon (about 19 liters) of gasoline from the wings and wings of two biplanes operated by two pilots, Frank Hawks and Earl Dirty. It is said that there is.

Two years later, in 1923, the US military carried out air refueling using refueling hose for the first time.

I heard that this was successfully successful.

After that, the progress of air refueling technology will become moderate at the time of World War II. This was because an airplane that could fly long distances like the B - 29 was developed, so the necessity of air refueling has decreased.

However, while it is possible to make high-speed flight, when a jet machine that consumes a large amount of fuel appears ...

Development research on air refueling technology will become active again.

One of modern refueling equipment,Flying boom systemIt was Boeing that developed.

This method is capable of sending a large amount of fuel at one time, so one of the advantages is to be able to finish refueling in a short time.

On the other hand, in the UK we used hoses and pipesProbe and Drug SystemHas been developed.

From the refueling machine, a hose with a brazed part attached at the tip is extended, a metal pipe is extended from the side receiving oil supply and docked, and in addition to easy mechanism and operation, it is easy to use multiple hose It is possible to refuel the aircraft. However, it is said that the refueling speed will be slower than the flying boom method.

In the early 1980s, the US Air Force used a refueling machine "KC-10"Will be launched.

This aircraft has both a flying boom system and a probe and droog system, and it is possible to perform refueling activities almost without being influenced by the shape of the receiver side. Therefore, it has the merit that it can correspond to both Air Force of different refueling system and Navy · Marine Corps.

A-10 Thunderbolt II Attack Machine that is often referred to as "strongest" among a number of attacking machines is receiving air refueling. "Today there is something impossible with modern military operations ... if it's something ..."

"It is a strategy that does not use air refueling technology"

So the more you conclude the movie, the more the air refueling is indispensable for talking about arms. At the end of the movie is the US Air Force stealth bomber "B-2". The air refueling port of B - 2 is located at the top of the fuselage.

The shape of the fuel filler is like this. In this shape, it reflects the radio waves of the radar, which loses its stealthiness, but of course there is a thorough system.

When refueling is over, the filler opening part begins to rotate all the time.

If you rotate 180 degrees as it is ...

The joints of the panels fitted perfectly, so that the boundary became completely invisible. Stealth technology seems to enhance confidentiality by accumulating this small thing.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log