Good news for web developers and designers, finally IE 8 · 9 · 10 is officially ended next week

We announced that Microsoft will cease support of the browser Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 on January 12, 2016. After this date all updates including security updates will not be done.

Internet Explorer End of Support

Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 die on Tuesday

Microsoft will finish the official support of Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 at the end of the Windows Update planned for January 12, 2016 (January 13, Japan time). From this point forward, Internet Explorer 11 will be the only supported Internet Explorer.

The update program "KB 3123303" distributed within Windows Update has a warning message display function of Internet Explorer, and warning message will be issued when Internet Explorer which ended support is used. Detailed content of the warning message is unknown so far, but it is expected to prompt the transition to Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge as appropriate with a warning message.

The warning message can be deleted by the user himself, and its way is clearly stated in the "How to disable the notification feature" item on the following page.

The new "End of Life" upgrade notification for Internet Explorer

However, the procedure is considerably troublesome with registry changes.

Some users who love Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 are likely to scream, but web developers and designers are likely to hear more delightful voices.

◆ 2016/01/08 added
According to the official Microsoft website, "After the January 12, 2016 (US time), only" latest version of Internet Explorer "supported by your operating system can receive technical support and security updates That thing. To the contrary, if it says only "the latest version of Internet Explorer", it means that it is supported until the support deadline of OS.

Important notice of changing Internet Explorer support policy - Microsoft

For example, the latest version of Internet Explorer in Windows Vista is Internet Explorer 9 and the OS support deadline for Windows Vista is until April 12, 2017, so it seems that Internet Explorer 9 will continue to be supported for Windows Vista.

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log