Support for Chrome's Windows XP, Vista, OS X 10.8 will be canceled in April 2016

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Google Chrome, a web browser provided by Google, regularly posts security, bug fixes, etc. for each OS, but on some blogs it will terminate support for some OS in April 2016 I am announcing it. According to this, support for Windows XP · Vista · OS X 10.6 / 10.7 / 10.8 seems to end in April 2016.

Google Chrome Blog: Updates to Chrome platform support

Initially, before Microsoft Chrome, Microsoft himself ended support for Windows XP in April 2014, and in May of that year "No update will ever come on PC with Windows XPWe are going to notify again. But even soChinese governmentHave been used out of support or,The US NavyAsk for extended support,The government of the UK and the NetherlandsHad signed an extended support contract with Microsoft, many users kept using Windows XP. Under such circumstances, it is Google Chrome who kept quietly supporting Google Chrome for Windows XP.

Google released Chrome's XP updates and security patches on a regular basis until April 2015 at the stage when Windows XP itself ceased to support itself for the rest of the year.

Google announces that Chrome will extend support for Windows XP - GIGAZINE

Furthermore, we announced that we will extend the support period to the end of 2015 in April 2015 which was due date.

Google extended Chrome support for Windows XP to the full 2015 - GIGAZINE

And as the end of 2015 is approaching, Google has announced Chrome's new support period. For Windows XP which has been discontinued from Microsoft, Windows Vista which is out of main support, and OS such as Mac OS X 10.6 / 10.7 / 10.8 which is out of support from Apple, Google 2016 Until April we will continue to provide Chrome updates and security fixes. However, support will be canceled after that.

On platforms like Windows XP on which main support is terminated, Google will lose critical security updates and it is likely to become infected with viruses and malware, so switch to a secure platform that continues to support I am doing it.

Please note that Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 10 by MicrosoftEnd of support is October 2025, Windows 8 for January 2023, Windows 7 for January 2020. For Apple, the support period of the OS is not specified, but it can be upgraded directly to the latest version of OS X El Capitan if OS X equipped terminal of Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later is sold before 2009 You can also upgrade to El Capitan if you meet the hardware requirements on a Mac.

In addition, Internet Explorer (IE) which is a Web browser of Microsoft currently has the latest version of IE 11 open to the public. SuchIE support periodFor Windows Vista, IE 7/8 is until January 2016, IE 9 is until April 2017. For Windows 7, IE 8/9/10 is until January 2016, and IE 11 is until January 2020. In the case of Windows 8, IE 10 is up to January 2016, since support will be lost after that, it is necessary to upgrade to Windows 8.1 in order to use "IE with latest support". In that Windows 8.1 there is support for IE 11 until January 2023.

in Software, Posted by logu_ii