Headline news on September 28, 2015
"Tamayura ~ Graduation photograph ~ Part 3 longing - yearning -The trailer of "Hello! "Tamayura" started with OVA of all 4 episodes which were released from November to December 2010, in the autumn of 2011, TV anime "Tamayura ~ hitotose ~", TV anime in the summer of 2013 "Tamayura ~ も あGurusushu ~ "was broadcasted. In OVA and television anime first phase, the main characters are depicting the events of the first graders and the second animation TV anime depicts the events of the second graders, and all four copies of this "Tamayura - graduation photographs" depicted events of the third grade the work. The theatrical release is November 28th.
"Tamayura - Graduation photograph" Part 3 longing - a longing - trailer 30 seconds - YouTube
Incidentally, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
"NIPPON COLORS" that you can see Japanese traditional color at a glance and can also check the three primary colors / color codes - GIGAZINE
Free & Commercial available, pop extremely pop Japanese fonts "Iron Bottle Gothic" - GIGAZINE
Battery charger that can charge smartphone battery for about 8 hours in 15 minutes appeared - GIGAZINE
"EMoneyReader" in which the balance and usage history of electronic money cards such as Suica and ICOCA can be seen in one shot - GIGAZINE
The worldwide supply shortage of helium will continue in the future and the risk of depletion in 25 years - GIGAZINE
Correlation chart showing how programming languages interact with each other - GIGAZINE
"Medusa", the world's biggest snake, embraced by 15 people hugging - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (memo · various others)
[Prototype] Natto with Mani car Raked StickEvery time you stir natto, merit is accumulated wI came up with listening to the drama "Gourmet of lonely" at Hakata business tenure "The act of stirring natto, that is prayer."Pic.twitter.com/bgXVG1H8gz
- Genki Studio (@Genrei_studio)2015, September 25
Kagawa WiFi What are you outgoing from ......Pic.twitter.com/pk043GwqeQ
- Masaru Hironari (@ eiitirou)2015, September 26
I love fucking overseas Grand PrixPic.twitter.com/O9 x OAJ cW 4 G
- Tatsuya (@ axolotls 4 a)2015, September 25
Hit by a reaction when Wai asked for a girl address exchanges: Polly breaking
Omoriyama zoo Work earlyPic.twitter.com/rmq5GxaGeW
- ??????????? (@ yasmemo)2015, September 26
It started up to cat wPic.twitter.com/r76vumUdpr
- Valkyrie (@ PUNIVAL)2015, September 26
ImpressionismPoint drawing methodFalconistsExpressionismPic.twitter.com/4QR2QLfnnp
- cha_bo (@ cha_bo39)2015, September 25
Because you can find such games, you will not be able to stop dying under the ranking of smartphone.Pic.twitter.com/vOd 7U 7 Hz MJ
- Nozome (Man) (@ IKUamaKUN 7)2015, September 27
Because it was easy to process a shiny object ~ seeing it and seeing it ~ ~Pic.twitter.com/LXo0CbAWEK
- Kinski (@ kknif)2015, September 27
The Japanese map where my sister who said "Hiroshima is Kyushu Da ???" written the name of the prefecture becomes here.Pic.twitter.com/dWaeh0Ii3d
- Wakami bamboo shoots (@ tanuzou 1027)2015, June 18
Handkerchief of employee who fell to registerPic.twitter.com/zk0ZwG9iKM
- Aki (@ YMT_ 05 _)2015, September 27
Also, about twenty years ago my acquaintance says, "There was a shrine that traces eggplants in Kobe," so it is about a shrine dedicated to Nasu Koshikazu? Although I thought, it was different, it was truly an eggplant.Pic.twitter.com/6cU7uHOy 57
- Shibasuberi in folklore (@ unio 01)2015, September 28
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
CNN.co.jp: "Elucidate the mystery of Mars" NASA goes to a special conference - (1/2)
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will hold a special press conference at 11:30 am Eastern time on October 28 (09: 30 JST) and will announce "important scientific discoveries" on Mars.
Discovery of mysterious remains on rocket parts at the coast of Hakodate | Hashimoto Web / electronic version (Society)
How genes are moving across different species - Researchers' New Papers - WSJ
Abolition of literature abolition Notice: Mistake True object, teacher training system only National institution around the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education Ministry, do not retract - Mainichi Shimbun
DestinyPic.twitter.com/HWscbsNN 84
- Shanhai Queen (@ Udon 21)2015, September 27
Reason why university teacher public invitations are not actually open to public | Japanese science and technology
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Organized by the Olympic Emblem Organization, not requiring examination review Request for correction: Asahi Shimbun Digital
"Baby stroller disturbs" 1 year old child arrested man suspected to beat NHK News
One year old baby suddenly beaten by a strange man> Man "Strollers were eyesore" - Togetter Summary
Collective self-defense authority: constitutional interpretation change legal department, circumstances Request for review without leaving official documents, next day response - Mainichi Newspaper
VOLKSWAGEN Voice of uneasiness from locals is also NHK news
Suzuki sells VW stock of possession to Porsche Gain profit is 36.7 billion yen | Reuters
VW "Illegal fear pointed in-house four years ago" NHK News
Nuclear fuel of Unit 2 70% ~ 100% Melting or NHK News
TEPCO presumed that part of the nuclear fuel remained in the center of the nuclear reactor for Unit 2, which is said to have caused massive release of radioactive materials in the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
On the other hand, research groups such as Nagoya University conducted a survey to see through nuclear reactors of Unit 2 using elementary particles called "Muon" which has the property of passing through various substances since April last year. Analysis of the results showed that if nuclear fuel remained in the center of the nuclear reactor it would have been shown as red or yellow, but little reaction was seen.
The nuclear fuel in the center was clearly reflected in Unit 5 investigated for comparison, and the research group says that 70% to 100% of the nuclear fuel of Unit 2 is probably melted down.
Process whale carcass, fear of explosion in a troubled port for one week: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Nuclear accident two years ago, refusing to tsunami measures NISA responsible for TEPCO's request - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)
Tokyo Newspaper: Revised Dispatch Law Opinion Public Offerings Only 3 days from workers Effective date Priority: Politics (TOKYO Web)
Arrested for "furry hair" fraud The inhabitants of the neighborhood were found to be trailing: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Fake complaint telephone: "Hair to the bread" arrested for a 45-year-old woman for fraud - Mainichi Newspaper
According to Itami station, mobile phones had a history of about 7000 calls to about 1,200 shops such as bakery shop, cake shop, and meat shop in 30 prefectures this year in July and July. It took about 4650 times to the number guidance "104" and it seems that he was looking for a shop to put a claim.
Grasp school side "trouble", not reporting to the Fukushima prefectural board of education Female high school student suicide: Fukushima Tamoto friends News: Fukushima Satomi Shimbun Minsyu Net
Betting everything to pivot to China Do British good economic relations submit with all other problems? | JBpress (Japan Business Press)
Painful news (No ∀ `): The assaulted character" Tart people ", be assaulted by the suit men - Livedoor blog
"Tutaya library" Pros and cons inquire Aichi · Komaki residents vote notice: Asahi Shimbun Digital
NHK News on Declining Refugee Assistance Expansion at Prime Minister 's General Assembly
France began air striking in Syria NHK News
Mr. Hillary, "Shameless" in the trainee's seat of the women's conference presided over at the UN: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Parts major Bosch warns of illegality in 2007 VW Illegal: Asahi Shimbun Digital
US Comcast acquires USJ, IPO withdraws | Reuters
Tokyo Newspaper: Electricity Supply and Demand Evidence of Resumption of Reserve Nuclear Power Plant in Summer Wobble: Economy (TOKYO Web)
About Mr. Makoto Yagi, Chairman of the Federation of Electric Power Companies, explaining why the summer was overcome, "Power saving is a major factor". The maximum demand across the country decreased by 13.5% this summer compared to the year before the Great East Japan Earthquake. In addition, the movement of enterprises and local governments to switch to new electricity by canceling the major power which raised the toll fee also contributed to the decrease in demand, leading to stabilization this summer.
Tokyo Newspaper: 500 companies should be supposed ... Application for female success grant Zero: Politics (TOKYO Web)
Arrested Asahi Shimbun deliverer on suspicion of abandoning dead body, female body in bathroom - Sankei WEST
Hon Hai: Sharp to 200 billion yen ... Acquisition of LCD business - Mainichi Shimbun
Osaka Ishinha ranked from zero to 8 seats Higashi Osaka City Council election for all members: Asahi Shimbun Digital
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
"Akiyama" Difference 12 years, Jin's lecture "This time is genuine": Society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)
Elementary school enters a skyscraper in front of Tokyo station NHK News
Private High Admission Counseling: Passed "Commitment" Normalized in Saitama - Mainichi Newspapers
Is the voice of a nursery school boy noise? ... 35% agree "Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Survey: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Kikkoman's "Soy sauce for rice" was the invention of the century | Food Foodier Foodiest
"Cathedral, steelmaking, waterwheel - technology of medieval Europe" by Joseph & Francis Gies | Kousyoublog
Jugement: Forced the appearance of AV, refusal to claim penalty after that: Matimulog
How cute they are too cutePic.twitter.com/nfrnAlGLqz
- 3 days Maglock Aya b ('u'm) p (@ yaa_kinako_cvs)2015, September 24
Because foreigners rarely soy sauce on rice, Kikkoman divided out soy sauce for rice to rice.Pic.twitter.com/HnSl9N3rXO
- Shiina (@ saena_rat)2015, September 25
I will keep a picture of the best possible cat photos in my historyPic.twitter.com/w7X7k1ldz7
- Mochi (@opbox)2015, September 25
Human "land mine odor" that uses a lot of words "Why are you angry?" Togetter Summary
In such a world where manual cars are on the verge of extinction, is there meaning to take a manual license? - Yukibou's Hideout on Hatena
Why is the labor productivity of accurate and diligent Japanese workers at the lowest in G7: philosophy news nwk
【With image】 K2's climbing route Warota wwww: Kini speed
"Loose screws" created by inventors who dropped out of elementary school: Nikkei Business Online
Painful news (No ∀ `):" 5 people per person, please buy it if you can not sell it "Convenience store that makes a large volume order of eel box lunch, makes himself selfish with unsold items - livedoor blog
Why 'There is no bedridden old man' in Sweden Older and death learned in the world of happiness degree "Paradise of Northern Europe" | Wisdom of wisdom | Modern business [Kodansha]
How to compliment my mother wPic.twitter.com/ln8JLJ0R5U
- Consumer @ bot it is not manual (@ tamio_snow)2015, September 27
My father unearthed a postcard of the old Tokyo Tower, but I was in agony when I saw this picturePic.twitter.com/BVm7IHxAzv
- Nemui (@ hako_bey)2015, September 27
While watching the news on Mother and TV, I'd like to say "I wish I could do something like this" Intention display card I want to keep it in my wallet like a donor cardPic.twitter.com/ZFgFvUhHLc
- Susumu (@ssm_ono)2015, September 27
I often listen to boys ... I sweet potatoes that have gotten too far from my neighborhood cut into bite-sized pieces for about 15 minutes and then save them with zip rock ... I chin them with jips, add butter · sugar · milk and roll it in a bite mouth If you bake egg yolk and bake it with a toaster it's easy to make sweet potatoes ...Pic.twitter.com/Ue4iGFNlnW
- Yakitori Fujiko · BZ Osaka So 70 b (@ fujisumibiyaki)2015, September 27
Attention when salting raw squid !!!Please be sure to remove it with a kitchen knife when there is such a place that white and muddy in the body of the squid as in the image circle. Since Anisakis is entering it is very dangerous to use as it is (゜ ゜)Pic.twitter.com/Z4F6tZIZzQ
- Fish shop @ Fish eating boy (@ Love _ marinelife)2015, September 26
Professor Hideo Yasuyama "Add a print to a child whose homework finished early → Child will take time to do homework" This topic is the same in adult world - Togetter Summary
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
U.S. authorities investigate Google or alleged violation of mobile antivirus antitrust law: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
What is overwhelmingly short of Japan now is a person who is familiar with artificial intelligence - a long diary of shi 3 z
I will read the contract of SOFTBANK's secure warranty pack for iPhone and explain the cancellation · MNP difficult clause
Google security engineer comment about using Android Pay on rooted Android device | juggly.cn
Dragoner. Net: The Chromebook was somewhat better than I imagined
Amazon.co.jp: 【Prime Day sales PC】 Campaign available for lottery: PC · Peripheral equipment
We have applied for lottery sale of the following 2 products sold at Prime Day (Prime Day) held on Wednesday July 15, 2015,
It will be held from 3pm until 3pm from 5pm on October 13th (Tuesday) 2015.
The following 2 items were sold at Prime Day (Prime Day), but due to the purchaser's cancellation,
It could not be delivered to the customer's hand. We are sorry for the inconvenience to customers who request such products,
I'm really sorry.
We have set up opportunities to purchase these items again for everyone who participated in prime day.
For winners, you can purchase eligible items at the same discount price as Prime Day. Please apply on this occasion by all means.
The correspondence of this Rakuten bank is not good for fluffy - novtan annex
Twitter in me is like this.Pic.twitter.com/nJxQNwiVFO
- Kusunoki likes creeper. (@ Kusunoki878)2015, September 27
Improve UX with Amazon UI without UI change | UX MILK
On September 9th the other day, Amazon Japan changed the specification so that you can create an account without a mail address if there is a mobile phone number. This has not been taken up in news very much, but it actually has a big meaning for the EC industry. Also, from the perspective of UX, it seems to be of great significance without accompanying UI change.
【Ken Fujimoto's Digital Audio Laboratory】 No. 651: Visited the production site of "3D Surround" of 28 loudspeakers every day - AV Watch
Specification change completed so that inflows from Yahoo! Search SSL-converted on Google Analytics side are handled | Column Ayudante Co., Ltd.
How to train Apple Music's recommendation function "For You" to your liking (1/3) - Phile-web
Detection and measurement of ad blocker - Cookpad developer blog
【Event Report】 Evolution of GPU to Support Performance Improvement of Supercomputer ~ GTC Japan 2015 Report - PC Watch
Raspberry Pi began making a home monitoring system - 29% pure emotion
React Native: To a new world of rapid iOS development
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
I tried to average the faces of 41 pretty cure people. - Any girl can be pretty - - Precure numeric blog
Footsteps of Owadora getting close to Hita to Gan Ho's Pazdra: Market situation Kabu full force 2 stories
I was embarrassed, so I did not tweet in real timePic.twitter.com/cvpLPTXXsi
- afunai (@afunai)2015, September 25
Tama who eats squid grill infinitelyPic.twitter.com/HJtxn 6i 2 dU
- Cat Ninja Core (@ nekoninja_core)2015, September 25
Today "ARIA The AVVENIRE" is finally released!You met again!Pic.twitter.com/xhU1JZo6hD
- Kozue Amano (@ aquaria 2 go)2015, September 25
This ... those who would like to greet the event to each other ...!I tried to summarize that I truly regret it if I do not know itPic.twitter.com/4Z12QwNHhV
- Amen and the tide (@ rint_rnt)2015, September 25
I mean dots of an earth, if you strike alone you will want to strike all of them, you do not count how many peoplePic.twitter.com/e92nOfkZSy
- little (@ chopper 0402)2015, September 26
Ruined damages that the binding of "Yoshinari Sakurai collection illustration version" is bad. - Togetter Summary
Rewrite (rewrite) / Animation made announcement PV - YouTube
TV animation "Divine Gate" promotion video 1st section - YouTube
"THE PERFECT INSIDER, Everything Becomes F" 4th Long PV (WEB Limited) - YouTube
VR gaming forefront! "Oculus Connect 2" Special Report Part 1 - GAME Watch
An anthropomorphic character of the emoticon of _ (: з 」∠) _ on the Chinese bulletin board is too cute - just a delusion
Everyone kept you waiting! Finally the TV anime "Assassination Classroom" Phase 2 starts! It is! It is! Beginning broadcasting is January 2016. Moreover, at the Weekly Shonen Jump released today, the ban on the beginning of the second term is lifted. 3 - E students are planning assassination. Please have a look.#Assassination ClassroomPic.twitter.com/It1AnFiGJf
- Anime "Assassination classroom" official @ 2 term is January next year (@ansatsu_anime)2015, September 28
One week's tension changeDachablePic.twitter.com/CCCU9Hphjk
- Wagon bacon (@ kawabe_kon)2015, September 28
Mami: "Huh, huh ... I bought it cheaply, I bought it ... I can not take care of having dinner already ..."Pic.twitter.com/0htdEAKNZ 5
- Kei (@ kain 1234567)2015, September 27
Mami Mami Theater smiles! Arasamami san is reproduced by figma - All Togetter Summary
【6 ways to paint Doraemon on a hedger】It is convenient to remember! You can paint it at any time!Pic.twitter.com/aQbxWy8iZs
- Maeda farming (Background beauty school MAEDAX faction) (@ maedax_x)2015, September 27
Well, I drew this time with Mama Moe, I think that it is because this stroller 's maman looks like a mischievous face ... I do not see my feet, but I have to be careful of the destination ... Mom Moe cartoonisthttp://t.co/6EL3N6c405Pic.twitter.com/CzSvA39Vpy
- Kodo Bottom * ◆ Now child-rearing (@ koge_ dobo)2015, September 26
I will say it once again because it is important. Somehow it seems to be a marriage lash, but ... Because I will get married Lupine !! Do not miss the first TV series?# Lupin III _ 4 thhttp://t.co/Jf0jpkIPRrPic.twitter.com/qS0VxijBrA
- New TV Series 'Lupine The Third' Official (@ lupin III _ 4 th)2015, September 28
Everyone who watched the final story of the animation, thank you ~! This is the end of the animation Umaru's broadcasting. I was very happy that you could make the best anime! ('' ∞ ``)Pic.twitter.com/MyaA0ikowj
- Sankaku head (@sankakuhead)2015, September 27
【Today's Mr. Red】When I get away from Mr. Red, I take notes that thinking away from dangerous things by imagining such a figure.In this case, smartphones are eaten.The range of action varies depending on the number of turns left.I am aware that I am a tactics brain.Pic.twitter.com/oztTyYIO0G
- Genkiya Genken (@ Ganger_i)2015, September 27
When I was born I think that only the witches of the east forest came.Pic.twitter.com/HvC69zTM3p
- maz (@ noutenkatu)2015, September 27
Someone correct my order in my villagePic.twitter.com/2373jCxZUH
- Melody sound (@ Chine Miku Kaeuta)2015, September 27
Hiroshi Kamiya 5 years ago & Hanazawa Kana and current Kamiya Hiroshi & amp; Hanazawa KanaPic.twitter.com/k75wq9jsIq
- ろ み お (@ romiwo_8)2015, September 27
Parents who are understanding are enviousPic.twitter.com/E4Q8hi44gr
- Mori (@ mori 334 _ dmp)2015, September 27
Since I was propose, I came out to be a rotten girl ... .... - Togetter Summary
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
【Breaking News】 Masaharu Fukuyama, married Fukiishi Kazue: What a summer stadium @ N J
Fukuyama Masaharu, married Fukiishi Kazue "Small but bright house" [Comment full text]: Entertainment overall: Fukushima Satomi Shimbun Minsyu Net
The end of Japan came.Pic.twitter.com/2zoWqJoYR9
- Nakahara ★ Momota (@ momota Nakahara)2015, September 28
I remembered this by watching the TL guys name each Fukuyama MasaharuPic.twitter.com/WJ7xjfqz2m
-? (`O ') Three-tailed ruggedness ~! (@goronsk)2015, September 28
Speaking of Fukuyama Masaharu and Fukiishi Kazue this. Anne of 2001.Pic.twitter.com/5 Jdn 8 y ZrMz
- Mr. Koguma (@ koguma 3)2015, September 28
Although I like photographs, I was not thrown away thinking that Mr. Fukuyama Masaharu and Fukiishi Kazue's feeling was good at this time.Pic.twitter.com/TGC2yo1rNy
- Mr. Koguma (@ koguma 3)2015, September 28
When Mutsutsu muttered what seems to be against SEALDs, the thing being beaten diagonally - Togetter Summary
Naomi Kawashima, refusing anticancer drug treatment after surgery Folk medicine - Oyami: Nikkan Sports
Painful news (No ∀ `): Naomi Kawashima, a stick of anticancer drug treatment refusal to concentrate on treatment to remove evil - livedoor blog
Diarrhea working diligence diary · 2: About intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma "Encounter with" a ridiculous doctor "... ... Kawashima Naomi reveals conflicts until cancer surgery resolve" "Kawashima Naomi san, after the operation anti- Medication therapy refusal folk remedy "
When will Janiota take off, to whom? "Janiota's Takeover Questionnaire 2015" Summary Results - Part 1 - It's not a kind of love or love
Olympic emblem, too heavy weight determination, difficulty in response: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Organized by the Olympic Emblem Organization, not requiring examination review Request for correction: Asahi Shimbun Digital
I do not think I would like to see sumo wrestling live, but I'd like to see "curry (initial)" once the Makishita wrestlers introduce the forbidden technique as the undercard.Pic.twitter.com/1j57bhSvRl
- Tai Pon / 11.28. Gnoche 9 (@ teipong)2015, September 28
My husband enters an idol fan club and the answer to my wife, who is feeling ill, is getting quite serious.Pic.twitter.com/ghPRnJAdal
- Torata (@ torata_t)2015, September 27
"Arashi" Even after leaving "Shiba" was OK | Hebei Shimbun Online News
"A pleasant surprise" cooking reporter Asako deceased NHK News
Newly launched the new sports brand "YPJ" first electric bicycle "YPJ-R" for electric assisted bicycles Lightweight electric assisted sports bicycle with a new concept realizing exhilarating driving performance - Public information presentation material | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Corporate information
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
High cacao chocolate No. 1 "Chocolate effect cacao 72% 26 pieces entering" new release
Following the raw vegetable salad, the popular salad, a classic salad, such as "potato salad" is renewed! ~ Attentively sticking to materials, manufacturing method, seasoning etc, offer at new price ~
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in Headline, Posted by logc_nt