"WordSafety" which can investigate whether words and names whose naming has bad meaning in other languages


This article, originally posted in Japanese on 19:00 Sep 13, 2015, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

When you enter a word, you can search for free in a foreign language whether or not you have the meaning "Masui"WordSafety"is. It is possible to search from 19 languages ​​at once and it seems to be useful for deciding the naming of new products and new services.


How to use WordSafety is very simple, just enter the word you want to check and click "Check". Try searching by typing "gigazine".

At the bottom of the search box you will see "No result, so this word will work fine." However, "There are more than 6000 languages ​​in the world, so" maybe gigazine "may have a bad meaning for those who live deep within Amazon's jungle," he says. It is not absolutely secure unless it catches up.

Kinki UniversityMisunderstandingWe changed the English name to "KINDAI" in 2014 because we are afraid, but I tried searching for "kinki" before changing it with WordSafety. Search results include "meaningful, abnormal" meaning "KinkyAlthough it was not displayed, since the pronunciations are similar, there seems to be words that may be misunderstood in English and Japanese. In addition, words with high risk of being misunderstood are displayed in red, and low ones are shown in gray.

Although it is "cute (kawaii)" which is penetrating the world as a Japanese culture, "ka" in the beginning of Chinese and Polish seems to have a bad meaning.

"Mochi" is similar to "mocha" meaning piss in Russian, so be careful.

"Excellency (Kakka)" means feces in Italian or French kindergarten term, and there is a possibility that it may sound like a bad meaning in other languages ​​such as Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, German Therefore, attention is required so that you do not say big voice overseas.

Also, to add a word, anyone can add NG words by entering "word" "language name" "meaning of word" and clicking "Submit new word".

When registering on the mailing list, it will deliver "World NG word" and "Tips to succeed in naming" every week via email.

At the time of writing, more than 3000 words are registered in WordSafety, and it is expected that the number of words will increase more as users add words. The corresponding languages ​​are Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Persian, Polish, 19 kinds of Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish. It is a service that is useful for determining naming that is difficult to change later, such as company name and website name aiming for global expansion.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log