More than 550,000 images capturing historical moments such as Pearl Harbor attack and Apollo 11 lunar landing will be released
In collaboration with British Movietone, which AP publicizes the archives of the news, images capturing the historical events since 1895 and news of the time including more than a million times (about 16,000 hours or more) We released a digitized film image on YouTube. In the uploaded 550,000 or more movies, in 1941Pearl Harbor attackAnd in late 1969 landing on the moonApollo 11There are many valuable things such as the image of the mankind, and you can look back on the history of humanity after 1895.
British Movietone - YouTube
AP releases a million minutes of filmed history to YouTube | Media | The Guardian
◆San Francisco Earthquake 1906 - no sound - YouTube
The magnitude of 7.8 occurred in 1906San Francisco earthquakeThe fire damage caused by the earthquake is intense and it is one of the most damaging damage among natural disasters occurred in the United States.

◆Movietone in Japan - YouTube
In "Movietone in Japan", you can see the images of Kobe in the period considered to be in the middle of 1900 and Geisha in Kyoto. The picture containing the state of the time actually moving instead of the picture is pretty valuable.

◆Attack on Pearl Harbor 1941 - no sound - YouTube
On 8 December 1941, the Japanese Navy attacked the base of the US Navy and the Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor on Oahu. In the image, the situation of Pearl Harbor after being attacked is reflected, and the situation which was urgent at that time is transmitted.

◆Marilyn Monroe Arrives in London for The Prince and the Showgirl - YouTube
American actress in 1956Marilyn MonroeThe picture when I came to the UK. Marilyn Monroe's aura and beauty are amazing as you can see even black-and-white images.

◆Assassination of Martin Luther King - Movietone's Report - YouTube
It acted as a leader of the African-American civil rights movement, with more than 200,000 crowds before "I Have a DreamI had a famous speech saying "I have a dream"Martin Luther King Jr.It is a news image reporting that the assassination was done on April 4, 1968.

◆Football World Cup Final 1966 in glorious color - YouTube
In "1966 FIFA World Cup" held in England, local England finals in1966 FIFA World CupI defeated West Germany 4-2 and I won the first prize of my wish. England is known as the birthplace of football, but the winner of the World Cup was only once in 1966.

◆Berlin 1945 including Churchill, Stalin and Truman at Potsdam Conference - YouTube
In the picture summarizing what happened in Berlin in 1945, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President of the United States Harry S. Truman, President of the Soviet Union People's Committee (Prime Minister) Joseph Stalin and others held a summit meetingPotsdam meetingThe state of it is contained.

Apollo 11 who succeeded in landing on the moon for the first time in the history of mankind in 1969 in the Apollo program in America. It is possible to see the details of the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission and the state of the training at that time by the crew.

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