A valuable movie capturing the moment when huge light is generated on the moon with the biggest "Luna Impact" in history

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September 11, 2013, the city of southern SpainSevillaTwo astronomical telescopes placed in the observatory at Sevilla succeeded in placing the moment the meteorite collides with the moon in the camera. In the captured image, a part of the moon glows brightly at the moment of impact, and the appearance that the ground surface which became high temperature by the impact slowly goes cold over several seconds is contained.

Twin telescopes record video of meteoroid slamming into the moon | Ars Technica

We started the observation in 2009MIDASA research team promoting a project called Moon Impacts Detection and Analysis System. The images captured by MIDAS are published on YouTube. (Scene of collision per 3 minutes from the beginning)

A large lunar impact blast on 2013 September 11 - YouTube

A meteorite collides with the tip of the arrow, heat is generated and the meteorite and the surface evaporate. Then you can slowly see the temperature go down and the light is getting weakened. In many cases, most of the time the light remains is less than 1 second, but in this meteorite there remains light for 8 seconds and this collision was the largest one confirmed It is telling us.

In this collision, a crater of about 40 meters in diameter newly developed.

The impacted meteorite is expected to weigh approximately 400 kg and its diameter is from 60 cm to 1.4 m. The speed at the time of a collision is a tremendous thing of 61,000 kilometers per hour (about Mach 50), and that energy is equivalent to 15 tons of TNT powder.

For observation and shooting, two sets of equipment installed in the observatory of SevilleCELESTRONMadeSchmidt Cassegrain type telescopeToWatechSuper high sensitivity monochrome camera made by "WAT-902H2-ULTIMATE"Was used as an observation device.

This project is aimed at grasping in detail the influence on the global environment at the time of collision by measuring the energy of the meteorite. Because it is difficult to make accurate observations on the Earth protected by the barrier of the atmosphere, we observe the state of the meteorite directly colliding with the moon without the atmosphere and use it for research.

In addition, this research paper can be viewed from the following site.

A large lunar impact blast on 2013 September 11

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log