It is clear that "Tetris" is effective to prevent the onset of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
ByAdam Dachis
After experiencing a life threatening event, that is, after experiencing a trauma (trauma), when encountering the same experience or similar situation, anxiety and suffering occurPost traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) may occur on occasion. However, in a new study, a surprising research result was announced that "if you play Tetris of computer games within a few hours after taking trauma, you can prevent the onset of PTSD."
Playing Tetris can reduce the onset of PTSD after trauma, study shows -
PTSD is a stress disorder that occurs when invasive memory associated with 'trauma' coming from a traumatic event connects with visual events and they become looped in the brain. Emily Holmes, a psychologist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, who led the study said, "Intrusive memory is a visual memory of events that cause trauma," he says, This research talks about the mechanism revealed by this research, which prevents the onset of PTSD by interfering with the formation of visual memory by playing Tetris before it is fixed to the brain as a memory.
"We also need imagination and insight to play Tetris, because the brain can not do two things at the same time (PTSD formation will be interrupted)".
ByBenjamin Vander Steen
As to how the effect of Tetris was demonstrated in the research, 71 subjects who were in traffic accidents were tested, and half were experimented by having Tetris play within 6 hours from the accident It is. After having actually played Tetris, a one-week follow-up survey was conducted, during which time it was investigated whether there was a memory flashback for a traffic accident. As a result, subjects who played Tetris showed an average of 62% fewer recalls of accidents in a week compared to the group not playing. According to Professor Holmes, "The flashback of the group who played Tetris was down to almost zero after two days."
Originally, it was thought that researchers were able to prevent memory of fear from becoming established in the brain by applying treatment early after the accident. However, it seems to be the first time for an experiment that actually used a simple computer game like Tetris. However, Professor Homes seems to have repeated experiments using Tetris in the laboratory for more than ten years, and the result of this research is, as it were to say, "To confirm whether Tetris is really effectiveProof of conceptIt was the experiment.
However, Professor Homes insists that research should be conducted for a long period of up to six months, since research is only possible to follow up to the earliest stage immediately following the trauma. Also,Royal College of PsychiatristsMr. Salter, from the necessity to test options other than Tetris, says, "The size of this research is small, not everyone plays Tetris, not knowledge of computers We should consider points, "he points out the importance of finding" choices that anyone can do "other than Tetris.
ByAdam Świątkowski
The National Institute of Mental HealthInvestigationAccording to the estimate that 3.5% of adults in the United States have PTSD, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that 3.6% of the world population is PTSDEstimatedoing.
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in Science, Posted by logu_ii