I ate at McDonald's "McFluely Mixed Berry Oreo" etc. mixed with sweet and sour sauce and oleos in soft cream

Mixed berry sauce using three varieties of flesh of blueberry, strawberry, cranberry and raspberry puree, mixed with oleo cookie into a soft cream "McFleury mix berry oleoMcDonald 's sells it from Tuesday, July 14. At the same time, using three different mix berries of raspberry, strawberry, cranberry "Mcshake MixburySo I went to a shop and ate sweet and sour summer dessert.

McFleury Mixed Berry Oreo® | Campaign | McDonald's

Mcshake Mixberry (1% juice) | Campaign | McDonald's

Arrived at McDonald's.

Where I tried to place an order ......

I found a cool picture "Mac Fleury Mix Berry Oreo" and "Mac Shake Mix Berry".

I received the item for a while after placing an order.

Mac Shake Mix berry has S size and M size, but this time I ordered S size. Everything is smaller than iPhone 5 size so you can eat even after dinner after dinner.

First I will eat from McFleury mix berry oleo.

The surface of a soft soft cream is covered with oreo cookie. Since raspberry puree is used, the soft cream is a little pink and something like jelly has come out.

Good compatibility of smooth crisp melting with trolley in mouth and crisp texture of oleo cookie is good. Mix berry sauce has a slightly sour taste, strawberry · blueberry · cranberry · raspberry is used, but the main taste was like raspberry.

There was something like horny jelly in it,Official siteIt should not have been used jelly ... ....

So I ordered another one and tried it.

I feel that it looks slightly different from the previous one.

Jelly-like ones are not found on the surface, crepe puree depicts a beautiful vortex.

Apparently the previous jelly looks like the puree was solid. The liquid puree stuck firmly with the soft cream and I felt firmly the gorgeous taste of berry.

Some of the sauces are strawberry pulp and ......

Cranberry pulp was also firmly contained.

Next, Mcshake Mix Berry. Fruit juice is 1%.

I will remove the lid and the lid.

There was a white part and a slightly pink part on the surface.

It is a shake of the same berry type as strawberry, but when I drink it, the taste is completely different. This is also used raspberry · strawberry · cranberry, sweet and sour refreshing finish. I felt it as a cherry-like scent a little because of the balance of sweetness and sourness. A distinctive soft texture like ice and juice is perfect for summer dessert.

In addition, 'McFleurry Mixed Berry Oreo' is 250 yen including tax, 'Mac Shake Mix Berry' is S size of 100 yen including tax, M size is 200 yen including tax.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log