A page for developers will also be added, which adds search capabilities and filtering by age to Google Play, and can also use conversions and A / B tests

Google I / O 2015Within Google Play, it became clear that improvements for general users such as application search and filtering functions, as well as improvements for developers who can measure application conversions and perform A / B testing will be added .

Ellie Powers appointed for Google Play.

Google Play is going to evolve into a more personal store ......

Search function has been enhanced.

Search the application according to the age of the user ......

You can filter on searching.

This makes it possible to filter inappropriate apps for children.

Also, a developer page is added for application developers.

In the list of developed applications, you can also pick up the application you want to recommend.

It is also possible to display conversions and earnings reports from developer consoles visible only to developers and to track where paid links, advertisements, search results, external links are tracked and where the user came from. .

Furthermore, it is possible to test the A / B of the design displayed on Google Play, and it will be possible to test with a different explanatory note / different image to see which one produces good results.

Also, a system to increase app revenueAdMobIt has also been improved.

Whether AdMob has been improved is explained in detail in the following movie.

Google I / O 2015 - Smarter monetization with AdMob and Analytics - YouTube

· Continued
Google's corrugated VR headset to 6 inches, and "JUMP" sharing VR content has appeared - GIGAZINE

in Mobile,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log