Kentucky's special keyboard "KFC Tray Typer" which can type without smearing smartphone with chicken fat

If you operate smartphones while eating fast food such as fried chicken and hamburgers, the display will be covered with grease, but "KFC Tray TyperIf you have, you can type on the smartphone without smearing the screen.

KFC Tray Typer - Gute Werbung

You can check how you operate smartphones with KFC Tray Typer while eating Kentucky Fried Chicken in the following movie.

KFC - Tray Typer

We ordered the set with KFC and arrived at the table.

When you chicken chicken, your hands are greasy and greasy as a matter of course.

I can not touch the smartphone touch with greasy hands.

Wireless keyboard "KFC Tray Typer" solves such troubles.

KFC Tray Typer is waterproof ... ...

The thickness is only 0.4 mm.

Of course you can connect to the smartphone wirelessly ......

You can charge with USB.

KFC Tray Typer is a slim wireless keyboard to replace the tray sheet. There is a space to keep fried chicken and potato at the top of the key.

Turn on the power button ......

Smart fonts are connected via Bluetooth.

Sending a short message while eating at KFC ......

Facebook or ...

Update Google+ ... ....

You can reply to e-mails.

When you finish eating KFC Tray Typer out of the tray ... ....

It is ok if you go home.

KFC Tray Typer is a wireless keyboard actually made for the PR campaign of KFC's new store planned by a German advertising company. In the campaign, when KFC Tray Typer was laid in place of a sheet of paper in a tray of a person who had eaten at a shop, the customer seemed to have enjoyed meal while operating a smartphone. After finishing the meal, take home KFC Tray Typer He said that.

Even in KFC of Japan, keyboards and chicken type chicken was attached to key in 2014 · Earrings etc were gifts for the campaignAlthough it may be, KFC Tray Typer seems to be more practical. The KFC Tray Typer campaign in Germany seems to have been pretty popular so someday KFC Tray Typer campaign may appear in KFC in Japan ....

in Mobile,   Hardware,   Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log