Just a six-year old boy surpassed Microsoft's exam, what is the future dream?

Microsoft is conducting tests to measure the skills of using Microsoft Office products such as Microsoft Excel and Word, and for those who pass the exam,Microsoft Office Specialist(MOS) "certification will be given. One of the MOS "Word 2013 Specialist"The six-year-old boy who lives in the UK has surpassed the brilliantly and updated the youngest record of the qualified owner and revealed the dream of the future that is of concern.

The six-year-old computer whizz who passed Microsoft exam - BBC News

An interview of a boy who passed the MOS exam at the age of 6 can be confirmed from the following movie.

The six year old computer whizz who passed Microsoft exam - YouTube

Humza Shahzad-kun who lives in the UK got the qualification after breaking the exam of the Word 2013 Specialist.

Shahzad's parents bought a smartphone to have Shahzad-kun interested in technology at the age of 2 and gave a notebook PC just six months later.

Speaking of what children play with smartphones and PCs is a game, Shahzad-kun was playing software such as Word and Excel.

Shahzad-kun who heads to the PC saying "I will make a table from now."

Shahzad-kun who was using a laptop for 2 and a half years usually breached the MOS exam for adults and updated the youngest record of Word 2013 Specialist qualification.

At school, the teacher seems to be called "superstar" sometimes.

Ash Shahzad, Shahzad's father, works for an IT consultancy company and expects Shahzad-kun to be the next Bill Gates ......

The principal said that he wants to become a pilot in the future.

in Note,   Software,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log