Record of youngest swimmer in India updated

An infant aged 15 months old in Chennai, India, swam 4 meters on its own. It is said that he is 9 months younger than the record of the youngest swimmer at the moment and he is applying for Guinness.

Details are as below.
15-month-old sets swimming record water baby, chennai, swimmer, infant, world record CNN-IBN

His uncle who taught swimming has a record that swams the fastest swim in the Pak Strait. It seems he has been training for 1 hour a day for 3 months until this record is issued. Regarding the load by training, the doctor checked the condition of the infant's body, but he said that it was in a very good condition.

When hearing the secret of this infant's mother to the young child's mother, he answered "I just let me drink milk".

The movie that seems to be swimming can be seen from the following.

15-month-old sets swimming record IBNLIVE Videos

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log